Symposium in honour of Dr B. N. Brockhouse

Bruce Gaulin gaulin at nightshade.physics.McMaster.CA
Wed Mar 1 16:15:13 CST 1995

                          McMaster University

                     1994 Nobel Laureate in Physics

                         Monday, 24 April 1995

   Room 1A6, Ewart Angus Centre, McMaster University Health Sciences Centre
                             Hamilton, Ontario

9:15 am    Registration

9:45 am    Welcome                         Dr. G.A. Kenney-Wallace
                                           President, McMaster University

           Session Chair                   Dr. C.G. Shull

           Dr. P.A. Egelstaff              "The Structure of Liquid 
           University of Guelph             and Amorphous Sulphur"

           Dr. R.A. Cowley                 "Spinons in One Dimensional 
           University of Oxford             Antiferromagnets"

           Dr. R.J. Birgeneau              "Quantum Magnets in Two Dimensions"

12:15 pm                         Lunch 
1:30 pm    Session Chair                   Dr. G. Dolling

           Dr. J.M. Rowe                   "Recent Trends in Neutron Research"
           National Institute of
           Standards and Technology

           Dr. E.C. Svensson               "Structure and Dynamics 
           AECL                             of Amorphous and Crystalline Ice"

           Dr. S.H. Chen                   "Dynamics of Interfacial Water by 
           MIT                              Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering"

           Dr. F. Mezei                    "Triple Axis Spectroscopy in 
           Hahn-Meitner Institut            the Spallation Source Age"

           Dr. B.D. Gaulin                 "Phase Transitions in 
           McMaster University              Frustrated Magnets"


For further information, please contact either of the symposium co-chairs:

Dr. M.F. Collins                           Dr. B.D. Gaulin
Department of Physics and Astronomy        Department of Physics and Astronomy
McMaster University                        McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4M1                 Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4M1
Canada                                     Canada
905-525-9140 ext. 24172                    905-525-9140 ext. 24362
mcollins at                       gaulin at
FAX: 905-546-1252                          FAX: 905-546-1252

Registration:   Please register by April 13, 1995

Cost:           $20.00 including lunch
                $10.00 without lunch

An additional $10.00 fee will be charged for late registration (after April 13)

For information about accommodation call Pat Carter at 905-525-9140 ext. 27624.


                    Bertram N. Brockhouse Symposium
               McMaster University Health Sciences Centre
                      Ewart Angus Centre, Room 1A6
                            April 24, 1995

                          Registration Form

Name in full:           __________________________________

Address:                ___________________________________


Telephone:              ___________________________________

Fax:                    ___________________________________

Cheque enclosed:  $____________(with lunch)    $____________(without lunch)

Make cheques payable to McMaster University
Please return by mail or in person to:          

        Brockhouse Symposium
        Department of Physics and Astronomy
        McMaster University
        1280 Main Street West, 
        Hamilton, Ontario  L8S 4M1

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