Neutron Scattering Satellite Mtg to XVII IUCr Congress

susan at susan at
Wed May 10 11:27:21 CDT 1995

The neutron scattering satellite meeting to the XVII ICUr Congress will be held 
at NIST on August 5-7, 1996.  If you are interested and have not received the 
first announcement, please e-mail your request to me.  Be sure to include
your mailing address.  If you have received an announcement, please return
your Interest Card prior to September 15, 1995!!  Thanks.

   *********************************SENT BY***********************************
       SUSAN KRUEGER                           KRUEGER at ENH.NIST.GOV
       NIST                                    (SUSAN at RRDSTRAD.NIST.GOV)
       Bldg. 235/Room E151                     (301) 975-6734
       Gaithersburg, MD  20899                 (301) 921-9847 (fax)

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