ICNS '97

Thom Mason mason at swelter.physics.utoronto.ca
Tue Oct 31 13:57:46 CST 1995

1997 International Conference on Neutron Scattering
                 University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
                         August 17-21, 1997
                 Honorary Conference Co-Chairs:
         Prof. B.N. Brockhouse and Prof. C.G. Shull
The 1997 International Conference on Neutron Scattering will be
held in Toronto in August of 1997.  The Conference brings together
scientists from around the world who share an interest in the
application of neutron scattering techniques to problems in condensed
matter science.  It will provide a forum for the presentation and
discussion of recent developments in the application of these techniques
to physics, chemistry, biology, materials science and industrial problems.
It follows in the tradition established by the previous meetings: ICNS '94
in Sendai, ICNS '91 in Oxford, ICNS '88 in Grenoble, ICNS '85 in
Santa Fe, and ICNS '82 in Hakone.
The conference will be held on the St. George campus of the
University of Toronto, in the heart of downtown Toronto, Canada's largest
city.  To add your name to the mailing list send a message to
phg at solid.ssd.ornl.gov with your name, mailing address, e-mail address, and
fax number.
For more information and updates check the ICNS 97 homepage at:

If you have a homepage of interest to neutron scatterers please add a
hotlink to the ICNS 97 homepage.

Thom Mason                      E-mail: mason at swelter.physics.utoronto.ca
Department of Physics           Phone:  416-978-7868
University of Toronto           Fax:    416-978-2537
60 St. George St.               
Toronto, Ontario                                
Canada M5S 1A7

WWW: http://www.physics.utoronto.ca/department/faculty/mason.html
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