Announcement: Workshop on Neutron Detectors for Spallation Sources

Bo Yu yu at
Thu Jun 25 14:37:11 CDT 1998

Workshop on Neutron Detectors for Spallation Sources

Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973
September 24-26, 1998

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together neutron researchers with
special interest in detector instrumentation and experimental needs.
Overviews will be given of experimental facilities at the major operating
spallation sources in the world. Reviews will be made of the current status
of neutron detector technology in use at spallation sources and
recommendations for future detector research activities will be an important
outcome of the workshop.

The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) in America is now in the planning and
design stage. The Japanese Hadron Facility is under consideration for
funding and the European Spallation Source (ESS) is the next major planned
neutron facility in Europe. It is important that resources for
instrumentation are wisely used, and it is the intention of this workshop to
provide critical advice for future research efforts.

Attendees are encouraged to present posters that will be on display
throughout the workshop.

Preliminary List of Speakers:
K. Crawford (IPNS), K. Enevoldsen (RISØ), M. Furusaka (KENS), B. Gebauer
(HMI), M. Katagiri (JAERI), H. Okuno (KENS), C. Petrillo (Perugia),
N. Rhodes (ISIS), H. Shimizu (KENS), C. Van Eijk (Delft U.), T. Wilpert
(HMI), M. Wright (ORNL) and B. Yu (BNL)

Program Committee:
M. Arai (KEK), B. Brown (IPNS), J. Hastings* (BNL), M. Johnson (ISIS), F.
Mezei (LANSCE), H. Mook (ORNL),  Y. Oyama (JAERI) and G. Smith* (BNL)
* Local organizers

Contact Information:
Email:neutronworkshop at
Fax:	(516)344-5888
Mail:	Rae Greenberg
	Brookhaven National Laboratory
	Building 510A
	Upton, NY 11973

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