Neutron Data and SHELXTL and/or SHELX

Dr. Allen D. Hunter adhunter at
Thu Dec 3 11:13:04 CST 1998

A request for help to the neutron diffraction community.

I have recently written a students manual on how to solve routine X-ray
crystal structures that was optimized for SHELXTL (this will be
available for general distribution in January at no cost to academic
users).  I am interested in adding a section to the revised edition on
the relationship of X-ray methods to solving neutron structures.  I have
not had any experience doing neutron structures myself and would like to
know if anyone who has had experience in using SHELXTL or SHELX to solve
neutron data (if this is even possible) would be willing to give me some
advice and/or send me copies of representative data sets that my
students could experiment with.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Dr. Allen D. Hunter

Professor of Chemistry

Department of Chemistry
Youngstown State University
1 University Plaza
Youngstown Ohio 44555-3663

Phone:           330-742-7176
FAX:             330-742-1579
E-Mail:          adhunter at
Home Page:

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