Postdoctoral position opening

Despina Louca louca at
Thu May 4 14:36:20 CDT 2000

Postdoctoral Position Announcement, University of Virginia, Physics Dept., 
382 McCormick Road, Charlottesville, VA 22904, USA.
The University of Virginia is advertising a postdoctoral research position 
available immediately in experimental condensed matter and materials 
physics.  Expertise in the areas of neutron and/or x-ray scattering is 
required to carry out diffraction and/or inelastic 
measurements.  Experience in one of the following fields is highly 
recommended: lattice dynamics, phase transitions and critical phenomena, 
and the dynamics of disordered materials and complex systems.  Experiments 
will primarily be conducted at national and international facilities such 
as NIST, Argonne, Los Alamos and ISIS.  Interest in materials preparation 
can be useful.  The research focus will be in the areas of transition metal 
oxides (i.e. CMR), martensitic transformations, ferroelectrics and heavy 
fermions, with special attention in characterizing microscopic properties 
under applied pressure and magnetic fields.  The work will involve 
development of special cells to acquire local atomic information in 
multiple environments.  Interested applicants should have a PhD in physics 
or in materials science and send a resume including names of 2 references 
to Dr Despina Louca at UVA or at louca at next part --------------
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