ISIS Instrument Scientist Vacancy - MARI Spectrometer
M.J.Bull at
M.J.Bull at
Thu May 11 11:53:58 CDT 2000
An enthusiastic and motivated scientist is required for a position on the
MARI neutron spectrometer at the ISIS Facility. ISIS is the world's most
intense source of pulsed neutrons and muons, providing research facilities
for condensed matter science. MARI is a direct geometry chopper
spectrometer with a broad scientific programme covering fields such as low
dimensional magnetism, amorphous materials, chemical spectroscopy and
quantum fluids.
The successful candidate will be part of a team operating the three ISIS
chopper spectrometers MARI, HET and MAPS, but he or she will have particular
responsibility for supporting the experimental programme on MARI. In
addition to supporting the programme, the successful candidate will be
expected to take an active role in instrument development and to pursue a
scientific research programme making use of MARI and other instruments in
the ISIS suite.
A PhD in the physical sciences (physics, chemistry, materials or earth
sciences) is essential, and experience of postdoctoral research and/or
inelastic neutron scattering is desirable. A flexible approach to working
hours will be required.
The salary range is between £18,620 and £26,600 (Band 5), depending on
qualifications and experience. A non-contributory pension scheme and a
generous leave allowance are offered.
For further details, contact Dr S M Bennington (Tel. +44 (0)1235 445193,
e-mail: S.M.Bennington at <mailto:S.M.Bennington at> ). More
information about ISIS and MARI can be found at
<> .
Application forms can be obtained from: Operations Group, HR Division,
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX.
Telephone (01235) 445435 (answerphone) quoting reference VN1931, or e-mail
recruit at <mailto:recruit at> . More information about CCLRC
and application forms are available from CCLRC's World Wide Web pages at <>
All applications must be returned by 25 May 2000.
The CCLRC is committed to Equal Opportunities and to achieving the Investors
In People standard. A no smoking policy is in operation.
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