SCANS meeting: Neutron polarisation in MC instrument simulations
Robert McGreevy
mcgreevy at
Wed Aug 16 10:25:06 CDT 2000
There will be an informal meeting of the SCANS (Software for Computer Aided
Neutron Scattering) network at ILL on October 5-6. The aim of the meeting
is to discuss in detail the requirements and possible protocols for the
inclusion of polarisation analysis in Monte Carlo simulations of neutron
scattering instruments. The meeting is open to anyone who is interested.
Some participants in the ENPI network (European Neutron Polarisation
Initiative) will also take part.
If you wish to attend the meeting please make a preliminary registration
with Francoise Giraud at ILL (giraud at, Tel: +33 476207085, Fax: +33
476207700) and copy to me (mcgreevy at for information. Make
sure that you state SCANS clearly, since there is a different network
meeting (TECHNI) the week after.
SCANS participants should note that travel and subsistence costs for this
meeting can be charged to their contracts.
Best regards
Robert McGreevy
Dr. Robert McGreevy
Studsvik Neutron Research Laboratory
Uppsala University
S-611 82 Nykoping
Tel: +46 155 221831
Mobile: +46 70 6792159
FAX: +46 155 263001
E-mail: mcgreevy at
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