JKJ Newsletter No.2
Masatoshi ARAI
masatoshi.arai at kek.jp
Thu Oct 19 13:50:42 CDT 2000
JAERI-KEK Joint Project Newsletter No.2 October, 2000
High Intensity Proton Accelerator Project proposed jointly
by the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI)
and the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
Editorial Board:
Masatoshi ARAI (chair): masatoshi.arai at kek.jp
Tomokazu FUKUDA: tomokazu.fukuda at kek.jp
Yujiro IKEDA: ikeda at fnshp.tokai.jaeri.go.jp
Motoharu MIZUMOTO: mizumoto at linac.tokai.jaeri.go.jp
0. Editorial Note (Masatoshi ARAI)
1. Recent Progress of the Joint Project between JAERI and KEK on High-
Intensity Proton Accelerators (Shoji NAGAMIYA)
2. Report of the Accelerator Driven Transmutation Group (Yujiro IKEDA)
3. Report of the Exotic Nuclear Beam Science Group (Hiroari MIYATAKE)
4. Report from the Muon Science Group (Yasuhiro MIYAKE)
5. Report from Neutron Science Group (Yukio OYAMA)
6. Announcement of Symposium and Meeting
0. Editorial Note
by Masatoshi ARAI
This is the 2nd volume of the Joint Project Newsletter. We plan to
publish the Newsletter every 3 months. In order to inform everyone the
current status of the project, we will send the Newsletter to
those who are listed in our data file of e-mail addresses. In case
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Information on the project can also be obtained at the Web site:
1. Recent Progress of the Joint Project between JAERI and KEK on High-
Intensity Proton Accelerators
by Shoji Nagamiya
This is the second volume of the Newsletter for the Joint Project between
JAERI and KEK on high-intensity proton accelerators. I would like to
describe the progress of the project for the three-month period since July,
2000, when the first volume of the Newsletter was published.
A major review of the project was completed in July. The committee was
formed last fall and it has discussed many issues of the project for the
past 8 months. According to the review document, the committee strongly
endorsed this Joint Project. It emphasizes how important the project is for
the world's sciences as well as for the Japanese sciences and technologies.
On the other hand, the committee also recommended that we must set
priorities among various components of the project, since the present Joint
Project contains many different elements and the cost is high. Our project
team re-evaluated the project accordingly. First, we discussed with and
convinced the Government that the entire facility must be constructed
eventually within ten years, while we also agreed with the Government in
setting priorities. Presently, we set the first priority on the
construction and completion of the accelerators (both 3 GeV at 1 MW and 50
GeV), whereas some of the experimental facilities can be funded within an
elongated period.
Presently, both STA (Science and Technology Agency which supports JAERI) and
Monbu-sho (the Agency which supports KEK) are fully convinced to proceed
with this Joint Project into a real funding process. Both agencies have
worked very hard during the summer on the finances of the project. They are
working very hard even today on how to create as much budget as possible for
the project. The final decision at the Agency of Finances (if the project
is officially approved or not) shall be made at the end of December, 2000.
We are in the process of discussing the present project with the Local
Governments (both Ibaraki Prefecture and Tokai Village) as well. In Tokai
Village, an official committee was created to review the project. This
village is enthusiastic about the project. Also, the Ibaraki Prefecture,
the local unit which contains both Tokai (where JAERI is located) and
Tsukuba (where KEK is located), decided to support officially the promotion
of the project. Those local movements are important for the project.
In an Annual Physical Society Meeting held in Niigata at the end of
September, a special session on nuclear transmutation was held. An
ongoing joint effort between physicists and engineers in this area is in
progress. From the end of October to the beginning of November a series of
meetings on neutron scattering will be held in Japan: Symposium on
Advanced Science Research (ASR-2000), IUPAP-ICFNS meeting, and International
Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS). Also, at the end
of September, a meeting was held in Tokyo to discuss industrial applications
of neutron scattering, where over 250 participants discussed
enthusiastically possible applications as well as many issues to be solved
for the utilization of neutron sources for industry. Other meetings
in relation to the Joint Project are also being held in various places in
In addition, at the end of September, an intense discussion was held at the
OECD headquarters in Paris on future high-intensity proton accelerators.
This meeting was held under the sponsorship of the OECD's Global Science
Forum. Our project was introduced as a typical example of a multi-purpose
facility of high-intensity proton accelerators. The main issue was to
discuss and establish mechanisms on how to proceed with high-intensity
proton accelerators world-wide.
Finally, I would like to report that a domestic task force was formed at the
end of August to discuss Operation Method(s) of the Facility in general
after the project is completed. Since the facility must be open
internationally, I would like to consider soon to form several international
advisory committees including both domestic and international members.
2. Report of the Accelerator Driven Transmutation Group
by Yujiro IKEDA
A conceptual study of two experimental facilities for the ADS( Accelerator-
Driven Nuclear Waste Transmutation System) nuclear transmutation experiment
has continued. A baseline design of the facility was established and all
information of the design has been submitted to the Facility Construction
group to proceed the overall facility design. Concerning the safety of the
critical assembly facility, a preliminary study is underway on issues
associated with the proton beam injection and hypothetical accident
scenarios, which are specifically needed for the ADS physics experimental
facility. As an R&D exercise, a cold lead-bismuth (Pb-Bi) loop is being
constructed that will be completed by the end of this year. The loop is used
for testing fundamental interactions of the Pb-Bi flow with structural
materials in terms of compatibility, i.e., corrosion, erosion, etc.; the
data from which gives a design guide for the spallation target in the ADS
Engineering test facility. Other technical R&D efforts on the laser charge
exchanger for low power proton beam extraction and the Pb-Bi target
optimization are scheduled.
3. Report of the Exotic Nuclear Beam Science Group
by Hiroari MIYATAKE
Following the recommendation of the governmental review committee of the
Joint Project, KEK is conferring with JAERI on the installation of the
existing radioactive nuclear beam (RNB) facility of KEK at the Tandem
accelerator of JAERI at Tokai campus, so that RNB utilizing the primary
beam of Tandem will become available there. The KEK-Tanashi RNB facility
had already been closed in September 1999 because of the planned shutdown
of the Tanashi campus in 2000. The new facility will be made by utilizing
various apparatuses of the KEK-Tanashi as much as possible, including the
split-coaxial RFQ (SCRFQ) and interdigital-H (IH1) linacs as well as some
measuring devices like a recoil-mass separator. It will be finished in three
years from the year of 2001. Some expansion of the counter halls, electric
power and cooling systems in the Tandem facility are needed.
The maximum high voltage of the Tandem is 18 MeV. Radioactive nuclides
produced are mass-separated by an isotope-separator on-line (ISOL) of
JAERI, and are accelerated in the SCRFQ- and IH1-linacs. The acceptable
mass-to-charge (A/q) ratios of radioactive ions for the SCRFQ- and
IH1-linacs and their output energies are the same as those in the case of
the KEK-Tanashi facility; that is, the maximum A/q values are 30 for SCRF
and 10 for IH, whereas the maximum output energies are 175 keV/nucleon
(SCRFQ) and 1050 keV/nucleon (IH).
There is also a plan to upgrade the acceleration system by adding
a new IH (IH2) linac, which accelerates RNB from the IH1 linac up to 2
MeV/nucleon. Then, the output beam of IH2 can be injected into the
superconducting linac already existing in the Tandem facility, so that the
final available energy can become over 5 MeV/nucleon, high enough to make
nuclear reactions possible for all kinds of targets. A slight modification
of the radio frequencies is needed for the KEK linacs for the above system.
The maximum A/q ratio for the IH2 linac will be 7. To realize this, we also
have a plan to make a new charge-breeder system using an ECR source
and place it downstream the ISOL. There is another merit in this system.
When stable multiply-charged heavy-ions are produced in the charge-breeder
itself, they can be accelerated only by the linacs, independent of the
Tandem accelerator, so that the utility of the whole Tandem facility will
be very much expanded. High-intensity heavy-ion beam will also become
available, which is strongly desired by experimentalists of nuclear
chemistry groups.
4. Report from the Muon Science Group
by Yasuhiro MIYAKE
A new muon science working group was organized for the construction of
the muon science facility. Under the muon science working group, seven
sub-working groups were organized.
1) Facility sub-working group for the design of the facility, such as
cooling water, electricity, air conditioning, and radiation safety.
2) Primary proton line sub-working group for the design of beam optics,
transport magnets, production target, scraper, vacuum system, beam
monitor, etc.
3) Secondary muon line sub-working group for the design of the decay and
surface muon secondary lines.
4) Slow muon line sub-working group for the design of the ultra slow
muon line.
5) muSR sub-working group
6) Fundamental muon physics sub-working group
7) muCF sub-working group
The muon science working group meeting has been held once a month to
discuss problems to be solved.
A semiannual users meeting was held at KEK on Sept. 4-5, 2000 to
exchange information on recent experimental results and activities
around KEK-MSL and TRIUMF. Members of the Proposal Advisory Committee
were also invited to hear about 14 new experiment proposals prior to
the committee meeting on Sept. 6, 2000. More than 30 reports on condensed
matter physics and chemistry using muSR were presented over 2 days,
including those studying high-Tc superconductors, exotic magnetism of
strongly correlated electron systems, hydrogen-like states and their
dynamics in matter, and so on. Progress on the development of new
experimental techniques such as muSR under various extreme conditions
(high pressure, high electric field, LASER excitation, etc.) and the
use of negative muons as elemental analysis for precious historical remains
have also been reported.
5. Report from Neutron Science Group
by Yukio OYAMA
The neutron group consists of four sub-groups of the neutron source
including facility, spectrometers, devices, and a discussion group for
scientific opportunity under the neutron steering committee.
The sub-groups for spectrometers and devices are organized including about
100 potential users in Japan. Recently, they have extensively discussed
specifications for instrumentation and items to be developed.
On Oct. 5-6, a workshop of those sub-groups was held at JAERI to make a
draft proposal of instrumentation (150 scientists participated).
In order to encourage industrial users, a seminar entitled "Industrial
Applications of Neutrons" was held in Tokyo on September 28. More than 200
participants attended this seminar from industry. They well recognized
the importance of industrial applications as well as the necessity for
organizing an industry users-society for our project.
For the design of the target station, there has been progress on several
points as follows.
1) Performance of thermal hydraulics and of fluid dynamics were
tested by a mock-up model made of acryl and mercury loop apparatus. 2) A
moderator system design was optimized to decrease inventory of liquid
hydrogen. 3) A computer simulation for remote handling of a target
system was established, which is required to design the arrangement of
equipment and to optimize a safety system.
6. Announcement of Symposium and meeting.
1) ICANS-XV (International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources),
Nov. 5-9, Tsukuba:
Regular meeting of international collaboration on advanced neutron
source. accelerators, spallation target and instrumentation for neutron
scattering will be discussed.
2) 2nd International Workshop on TMR Engineering for Spallation Neutron
Source, Nov. 13-15, Tokai-JAERI:
Engineering issues on the Target-Moderator-Reflector
system will be discussed in detail as the basis of design activities for
spallation neutron sources.
========================== END OF NEWSLETTER #02 =========================
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