Job openings at the FRM-II

Ulrich C. Wildgruber MPI fuer Metallforschung Stuttgart wildgrub at
Fri Oct 20 14:24:12 CDT 2000

Initiative of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science
(Munich, Germany)

Materials Research at the Neutron Source FRM-II in Garching

Several months ago the Max Planck Society launched a new initiative with the
goal to establish a research group at the new research reactor FRM-II
in Garching (near Munich). This research group will operate two new

        A Resonance-spin-echo triple-axis-spectrometer
        A Neutron Reflectometer

Currently both instruments are in the construction/design phase and are expected
to be operational by the year 2002 and 2003 in their basic configuration.
Several Max Planck Institutes are active participants
in this initiative. The instrumentation efforts are coordinated by the Dept.
Keimer (MPI for solid state research, Stuttgart) for the resonance-spin-echo
machine and by the Dept. Dosch (MPI for metals research, Stuttgart) for the

Research objectives:

        Magnetism in low-dimensional systems
        Solid-liquid interfaces
        Polymer films
        Excitation spectra of bulk systems

Currently there are several open positions:

        Group leader (research professor, C3)
        2 long term scientiscts
        2 Postdoc positions
        3 Technicians

        Graduate students are welcome!

Application documents should be sent to:

        Prof. Dr. H. Dosch, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Metallforschung
        Postfach 800665, D-70506 Stuttgart, Germany

For further information write to:

        dosch at


        keimer at

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