unintentional despatch

Dr. J. A. E. Desa edesa at unigoa.ernet.in
Mon Oct 30 13:14:29 CST 2000

Dear neutron spectroscopy colleagues,
                                   my sincere aplogies to all 
of you for having unintentionally sent a copy of my letter to 
Prof. Dieker . Sorry to have wasted your time  with this personal 
note. I hope it doesn't happen to anyone else !
				Erwin Desa


       Dr. J. A. E. Desa             Ph: 91-832-221375
       Department of Physics,            Extn: 251
       Goa University,         
       Taleigao Plateau,             Fax:91-832-221484
       Goa - 403 206                 E-mail:edesa at unigoa.ernet.in

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