ICNS2001 2nd Announcement

Juergen Neuhaus juergen_neuhaus at ph.tum.de
Thu Jan 11 16:20:03 CST 2001

      International Conference on Neutron Scattering 2001
           9.-13. September 2001, Munich, Germany
                Technische Universität München
              2nd Announcement and Call for Abstracts
The 2001 International Conference on Neutron Scattering will be held
in Munich and Garching over four days in September 2001, with a half
day off for an excursion or a visit of the new reactor FRM-II in

The conference intends to bring together scientists using neutrons and
instrumentation specialists. Advanced instrumentation for the ever
increasing needs of the scientists will be one of the central points
of the conference. The conference will largely support the
participation of young researchers. The ICNS2001 will provide an
international forum for the presentation and discussion of recent
developments in neutron sources, the techniques of neutron scattering
and their application to physics, chemistry, biology, material sciences
and industry.
The conference will follow the tradition established by the previous
meetings: ICNS97 in Toronto, ICNS94 in Sendai, ICNS91 in Oxford,
ICNS88 in Grenoble, ICNS85 in Sante Fe and ICNS82 in Hakone.
The second announcement and call for abstracts was mailed end of the
year 2000. Online submission of abstracts and registration can be
done on our conference web site.

There is also information about the companions program with links to
sites of interest in and around Munich. More details will be available

In late summer Munich is very atractive for tourists. We therefore
recommend early hotel bookings. You can do this during the online
registration via our conference organisation CTW. Furthermore a list
of hotels is provided on our web site.
Additionally the conference office can be reached by mail:
ICNS 2001
Physik Department E13
Technische Universität München
D-85747 Garching
phone: +49 89 289 12452
fax: +49 89 289 12473
email: info at icns2001.de

Scientific Programme

There will be eight scientific topics, which cover specific and
important areas of neutron scattering. In addition eight mini symposia
focus on particular and relevant topics. Each topic will be covered by
invited talks, which reveal some new and exciting aspects in that
area. It has become the tradition of the conference that the poster
sessions are the central part of the meeting. Therefore each session
and each mini-symposium will have its poster session.

Sessions topics:

 A)  Advanced Neutron Sources
 B)  Neutron Instrumentation
 C)  Soft Condensed Matter
 D)  Magnetism
 E)  Material Science
 F)  Biology
 G)  Chemistry
 H)  Industrial Applications

Special Mini-Symposia:

 M1) Optimization of Neutron Devices by Simulation
 M2) Magnetic Thin Films and Multilayers
 M3) Hydrogen Atoms in Biological Function
 M4) Instrumentation at Advanced Pulsed Neutron Sources
 M5) Charge, Lattice and Isotope Effects in High-Tc Superconductors
 M6) Neutrons and High-Energy X-Rays in Material Science
 M7) Industrial Applications of Neutron Scattering
 M8) Spin, Charge and Orbital Degrees of Freedom in Perovskites 
     and Related Compounds

Plenary Speakers 

 T. Hashimoito (Kyoto University, Japan)
   Self-Assembling Processes in Polymer Systems
 S. Hayden (University of Bristol, United Kingdom)
   Novel Magnetic Excitations in Metals and Superconductors
 T. Holden (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)
   Advancing Neutron Diffraction as a Tool for the Engineer
 H. Schober (Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France)
   From Zero to Three Dimensions: Solid State Polymerization in
 J. Zaccai (Institut de Biologie Structurale CEA-CNRS, Grenoble, France)
   Neutrons in the Post-Genome Sequencing Era
 A. Zheludev (Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA)
   Interacting Quantum Spin Chains

Plenary Session on Advanced Neutron Sources:

 D. Moncton (SNS Project, Oak Ridge, USA)
   Spallation Neutron Source
 D. Richter (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
   European Spallation Source
 S. Ikeda (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, 
           Ibaraki, Japan)
   Japanese Spallation Neutron Source
 W. Gläser (Technische Universität München, Germany)
   The New Munich Research Reactor FRM-II


Juergen Neuhaus  Technische Universitaet Muenchen    Tel.: (+49) 89 2891 2187
ZBE FRM-II       D-85747 Garching, Germany           Fax.: (+49) 89 2891 2112

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