Workshop: New Opportunities in Single Crystal Spectroscopy with Neutrons

marie haltod haltod at
Tue Jan 23 11:00:09 CST 2001

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Institute for Solid State 
Physics and Optics / Neutron Spectroscopy Department

together with the

European Cool Neutron Collaboration will hold a

Workshop on 
New Opportunities in Single Crystal Spectroscopy with Neutrons 
19-22 April 2001, Lake Balaton (Révfülöp), Hungary

For detailed information, please note the attached announcement.


Marie Haltod
Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin
Abt. SF2
Glienicker Str. 100
14109 Berlin
Tel. +49-30-8062-2689
Fax  +49-30-8062-2999
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