Workshop on Sample Environment, April 5-6, PSI, Switzerland
markus.zolliker at
markus.zolliker at
Tue Jan 30 13:33:13 CST 2001
Workshop on New Techniques and Developments for Sample Environment
at Neutron Scattering Research Facilities
5 / 6 April 2001
Paul Scherrer Institute, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Organisation: M. Zolliker, Laboratory for Neutron Scattering, ETH & PSI
mailto:markus.zolliker at, Tel. +41 (56) 310 2089, Fax. +41 (56) 310 2939
Secretariat: R. Bercher, Departement FUN, PSI
mailto:renate.bercher at, Tel. +41 (56) 310 3402, Fax. +41 (56) 310 3131
There is no workshop fee for up to 3 participants per research center
or company. PSI covers accommodation and meals, but in general NOT
the travel
costs. However, participants who can not otherwise find support, may apply
for a travel grant (supported by the Neutron Round-table EC-TMR Concerted
Arrival: Wednesday evening, 4 April, departure: Saturday morning, 7 April
Suggested Topics:
1) Low Temperature Equipment
2) High Temperature Equipment
3) High Field Superconducting Magnets
4) High Pressure Equipment
5) Temperature measurement and control, automation
A detailed program will follow in February.
For registration please send us an e-mail with the following
information before end of January:
Name(s) of participant(s):
I/we will present the following contribution(s):
For participants in need of support only:
I/we apply for a Travel Grant to attend the Workshop
Total amount of travel expenses :
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