Indiana/NISt polarized 3He postdoc position

Tom Gentile thomas.gentile at
Tue May 1 15:58:29 CDT 2001

Indiana/NIST postdoctoral position announcement

	An Indiana University postdoctoral position is available in
the Indiana/NIST program in the application of polarized 3He-based
neutron spin filters to materials science and fundamental physics.
The candidate may choose to be based at either the NIST Center
for Neutron Research (NCNR)  in Gaithersburg, Maryland or the Indiana
University Cyclotron Facility in Bloomington, Indiana.
The interdisciplinary nature of this program makes it unlikely
that any given candidate will have experience in all the relevant
areas.  Recent doctoral graduates from the fields of neutron scattering,
AMO physics, and nuclear physics would have a relevant  background
and within the broad context of the program the particular interests of the
candidate can be accomodated.   The position is available
immediately, but delayed starting dates will be considered.
Interested candidates desiring more information should contact
Mike Snow (snow at or Tom Gentile (thomas.gentile at

	In the field of meterials science, 3He-based neutron spin filters
are expected to play a key role in the instrumentation needs of the
upcoming Spallation Neutron Source because of their ability to
polarize broadband neutron beams and analyze large-divergence beams.
One focus of this program is the demonstration and first
applications of this technology at present neutron facilties, such as
small angle neutron scattering at the NCNR and polarized neutron
reflectometry at the
Intense Pulsed Neutron Source at Argonne National Lab.

	In the field of weak interaction physics, 3He-based spin filters are
relevant to several experiments using cold neutrons.   We are presently
developing a 3He polarizer for the "npdgamma" experiment, in which
the small parity violating asymmetry  in the absorption of neutrons by hydrogen
will be measured. In addition, we are the use of polarized 3He
for measurements of correlation coefficients in polarized neutron decay.

	We have several well-developed apparatus for two
different optical pumping methods, spin-exchange (SE)
and metastability-exchange (ME).  Further development of these
technologies is also an important part of the program.

Thomas R. Gentile			phone:  301-975-5431
NIST					FAX:  301-926-1604
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8461 		e-mail:  thomas.gentile at
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8461

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