Call for Proposals (BNC)

Mihaly MAKAI makai at
Tue Nov 13 14:49:05 CST 2001

Call for proposals

The Budapest Neutron Centre (BNC) welcomes proposals to use its
facilities for scientific purposes for the period January - June, 2002. 

Deadline is November 30, 2001. 

The following eight instruments are offered and sponsored in connection
with the 5th Framework Programme of the European Community, according to
the contract HPRI-CT-1999-00099, between EC and BNC, in case the
proposal was accepted for scientists being active in the following
countries (member states and associated states of the EC): Austria,
Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom: 

1. Small angle neutron scattering, SANS 

Contact person: Eszter Rétfalvi

Phone: +36 1 392 2222/1682, e-mail: retfalvi at

2. Triple axis spectrometer, TAS 

SZFKI, contact person: Gyula Török 

Phone: +36 1 392 2222/14 39, e-mail: torok at

3. Powder diffractometer, PSD 

Contact person: Erzsébet Sváb 

Phone: +36 1 392 2634, e-mail: svab at

4. Prompt gamma activation analysis, PGAA 

Contact person: Gábor L. Molnár 

Phone: +36 1 392 2539, e-mail: molnar at

5. Static neutron radiography, SNR 

Contact person: Márton Balaskó 

Phone: +36 1 392 2222/14 34, e-mail: balasko at

6. Dynamic neutron radiography, DNR 

Contact person: Márton Balaskó, 

Phone: +36 1 392 2222/14 34, e-mail: balasko at

7. Biological irradiation channel, BIO 

Contact person: József Pálfalvi 

Phone: +36 1 392 2222/12 63 or/14 95, e-mail: palfalvi at

8. Reactor neutron activation analysis, RNAA 

Contact person: Rózsa Fliszár Baranyainé 

Phone: +36 1 392 2222/33 76, e-mail: baranyai at

The description of the above instruments can be found on the web page <>  , by simply clicking on Instruments. 

To make a proposal you can best fill in the form, which can be freely
downloaded from the web at: How to make a proposal, and can be sent to
one of the e-mail addresses:

makai at or baranyai at Please do not forget
to send a signed copy either by fax (+36 1 395 92 93) or by mail (H-1525
Budapest 114, POBox 49). 

The conditions for cost reimbursement are described on the page

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