American Conference on Neutron Scattering (ACNS) Announcement

Worlton, Thomas tworlton at
Wed Mar 6 10:25:46 CST 2002



The conference website ( <> ) is now
open for abstract
submission and pre-registration at reduced rates.  The deadline for the
submission of abstracts is March 25, 2002.  Please use the on-line form
to submit your abstract.  Early registration is also available online.
The deadline for pre-registration is May 15, 2002.


The inaugural American Conference on Neutron Scattering will be held in
Knoxville, Tennessee, June 23-27, 2002, sponsored by the Neutron
Scattering Society of America (NSSA) and the Spallation Neutron Source -
High Flux Isotope Reactor User Group (SHUG).

This conference is intended to showcase recent scientific results from
neutron science in diverse fields including Soft Condensed Matter,
Condensed Matter Physics, Biology, Magnetism, Materials Science,
Chemistry and Chemical Physics, Fundamental Physics, and Source and
Instrument Development.

The conference will
-- Include both invited and contributed talks in oral and poster
-- Highlight the capabilities of instrumentation available for users at
the major neutron centers in North America.
-- Fulfill many of the objectives of a facility user meeting, but on a
national scale.

The program will feature the following speakers:

"Review of U.S. Neutron Sources" - Paul Sokol (Pennsylvania State)
"Review of World Neutron Sources" - Gerry Lander (EITU)
"SNS Overview" - Thom Mason (Spallation Neutron Source)
"Tales of a Seasoned User" - Tom Russell (University of Massachusetts)

Plenary Speaker - Robert Cava (Princeton University)

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Roger Pynn (University of California at Santa Barbara/Los Alamos
National Laboratory)
Dieter Richter (KFA-Juelich)
Pencheng Dai (University of Tennessee/Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Subir Sachdev (Yale University)
Ivan Schuller (University of California at San Diego)
Taner Yildirim (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
Jim Jorgensen (Argonne National Laboratory)
Paul Dawson (Cornell University)
Nobuo Niimura (JAERI)
Dermot O'Hare (Oxford University)
Tom Koetzle (Argonne National Laboratory)
Fred Wietfeldt (Tulane University)

The program also features more than 30 invited speakers.

The deadline for abstract submission is March 25, 2002.  Registration
materials are now available online.  Student registration is available
at a discount.  The conference encourages the attendance of graduate
students, postdocs, and new faculty, as well as established researchers
in neutron scattering.  Limited travel support will be available for
attendees from universities. (An application is available on-line).
Please check the web site for details.

Participants can request a break-out session on June 26th to discuss
issues pertaining to individual instruments or other topics related to
neutron science.  The deadline for these requests is March 25, 2002.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!

For other information please contact:

Rob Briber, Conference General Chair,  rbriber at
Julie Borchers, Program Co-chair, julie.borchers at
Paul Butler, Program Co-chair, butlerpd at
Al Ekkebus, Local Committee Chair, ekkebusae at

Ann Jordan
Experimental Facilities Division
Spallation Neutron Source
701 Scarboro Road
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Phone:  865/241-5176
Fax:  865/241-5177
Email:  jordanlg at

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