FW: Chair in Physics at the University of Reading

Neutron neutron at pns.anl.gov
Mon Mar 25 10:17:31 CST 2002

From: G.R.Mitchell [mailto:g.r.mitchell at reading.ac.uk] 

The University of Reading in the UK has a vacant Chair in Physics. There has
been a long association of the University and in particular the Department
of Physics with Neutron Scattering at the nearby  ISIS Pulsed Neutron Source
and with the previous UK-based neutron facilities. The Department welcomes
applications from those who would wish to build these activities. The
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory which houses the ISIS facility is also the
site for the new UK Synchrotron radiation Source DIAMOND.

http://www.rdg.ac.uk/physics/news.htm#chair gives details.
www.reading.ac.uk/physics is the Department Web Site

Please feel free to contact me or the Head of Department Prof K.Codling
k.codling at reading.ac.uk
for informal discussions.

Geoffrey Mitchell

Professor Geoffrey Mitchell     + 44 118 9318573  (voice)
Department of Physics &        + 44 118 9318541 (voice secretary)
Polymer Science Centre         + 44 7768 978014 (voice mobile)
University of Reading              + 44 118 9750203 (Departmental fax)
Whiteknights                            + 44 118 9318573 (Confidential fax)
Reading RG6 6AF UK
g.r.mitchell at reading.ac.uk

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