[Neutron] JKJ newsletter#9
masatoshi.arai at kek.jp
Tue Jul 30 20:58:30 CDT 2002
JAERI-KEK Joint (JKJ) Project Newsletter
_______ No. 9 July, 2002 _______
High Intensity Proton Accelerator Project proposed jointly
by the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI)
and the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
1. <<Overview>>
.Ground breaking and real construction started on June 6
.Accelerator Technical Advisory Committee met on May 21-23
2. <<Accelerator Group>>
.The Technical Design Report (TDR) published on the web.
3. <<Nuclear and Particle Physics Group>>
.Budget request for a neutrino beamline submitted
.Call for Letters of Intent for 50 GeV experiments announced
4. <<Neutron Science Group>>
.Progress on Detailed designs for the 1 MW spallation
neutron source
.Neutron Instruments Planning Committee formed to select
5. <<Muon Science Group >>
.Completion of detailed design of the building structure etc.
6. <<Transmutation Experimental Group>>
.PIE of structural materials in progress
7. <<Radiation Safety Group>>
.The first step towards utilizing a low activation-ized concrete
8. <<Integrated Control Group >>
.A new group, Integrated Control Group, has been formed
9. <<Facility Construction Group>>
.Construction of the Linac Building started
.Detailed design for the 50 GeV Synchrotron Building in progress
10. Announcement of symposiums and meetings
11. Editorial note
.Subscribe or Unsubscribe
1. <<Overview>> By Shoji NAGAMIYA
Since April the major highlight is the start of the real
construction of buildings. On June 6 a small ceremony (Japanese
Shintoh style ground breaking ceremony) was held before digging the
ground for construction of the Linac building. The major work of
construction including the 3 GeV PS and 50 GeV PS will begin in the fall
of 2002, so the project team will have the official ground breaking
ceremony in the fall of 2002.
MAY 21-23
We started several new activities in the project team.
In regard to the committees, the first Accelerator Technical Advisory
Committee was held on May 21-23. The committee is chaired by
S. Holmes (FNAL). I. Gardner (ESS/RAL) serves as a vice chair.
The committee's report has been already published. The project team
also created a new committee on neutron scattering to discuss the
policy of the initial beam lines for neutron scattering. Also,
this committee will discuss the policy of how to construct and use
general-purpose instruments. Similar committees will be formed for
nuclear-particle physics as well as for muon sciences.
The first call for Letters of Intent on nuclear and particle
physics experiments at 50 GeV will be made soon. We must fix a floor
design for many places at the 50 GeV PS and, thus, it is important for
us to learn what type of experiments must be considered on Day-1
when the accelerator starts to provide beams. Of course, there are
many other reasons to make this early call of LoIs. See the article
Concerning the relation to the Local Government, the project
team had numerous discussion meetings with both Ibaraki Prefecture
and Tokai Village. The main issue these days is the method of how
to cut trees, since pine trees on the site have historical importance.
Discussions and negotiations are in progress. An encouraging news
during the past three months is that the Ibaraki Prefecture created an
impressive document of how to create a new science city at Tokai in
association with the construction of our proton accelerator facility.
We hope that the enthusiasm of the Ibaraki Prefecture can contribute
to us in a visible form.
To the central Government, we submitted a budget proposal
for JFY03 (the third year of the project). There, we included not only
construction of Phase 1 items but also construction of a neutrino
beam line which is categorized as a Phase 2 item. Negotiations are
We have started to see actual excavation of the ground at
the JAERI Tokai site. Contracts with the companies for many accelerator
components such as magnets, power supplies, cavities, klystrons, etc.
etc. have been placed. We shall start calls for LoIs soon. I feel
that the project is actually moving to become a reality.
2. <<Accelerator Group>> By Yoshishige YAMAZAKI
As reported in the last Newsletter, the Technical Design
Report (TDR) has been published on the web
On the basis of the TDR, the 1st Accelerator Technical Advisory
Committee (A-TAC) meeting was held from May 21st to 23rd chaired by
Stephen Holmes from FNAL. The 25-page A-TAC report was completed
within two weeks after the meeting, including many useful
recommendations, which are being seriously investigated by our group.
The medium energy beam transport (MEBT) between the 3-MeV
Radio-Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) Linac and Drift-Tube Linac (DTL)
is now undergoing detailed beam testing, including the beam chopper
performance test. In contrast to the SNS chopper,we are using the RF
chopper devised by our group. It was proved that the RF chopper is
working as designed. So, the principle is all right, and it is now at
the more detailed test stage, including emittance measurements and
so on.
Now, the accelerator group is extremely busy in order to
prepare for the contact of the major components of the 3-GeV
Rapid-Cycling Synchrotron (RCS), and for that of the remaining
components of the linac.
3. <<Nuclear and Particle Physics Group>> By Jun IMAZATO
The design of a neutrino beamline based on the off-axis beam
scheme was completed and a budget request to the Government was
submitted. This request consists of building/tunnel construction cost
as well as a proton beamline, a target station, a decay section and
a muon monitor, and aims for the completion of the neutrino facility
by the end of Japanese fiscal year 2006 after 4 year construction
starting next year, 2003. The proton line will be made of super-
conducting magnets cooled by supercritical helium. The part of the
decay section which crosses the transport beam from the 3 GeV RCS
to the neutron/muon has to be installed in 2003. The decay pipe for
this length has been prepared already this year in a separate budget.
The Project team director announced the call for letters of
intent for 50 GeV PS experiments in the beginning of July.
(See http://jkj.tokai.jaeri.go.jp/pdf/NP-LOI.pdf)
The deadline of submission is December 31 of this year. Letters are
requested not only for Phase-1 experiments in the NP-hall, but also
for Phase-2 and even further future options, so that the project team
can plan ahead in the building/tunnel construction. The letters of
intent will be evaluated by a committee and used to prioritize
secondary beam line installation in the Phase-1experimental hall.
The floor plan in the attachment to the announcement is only a
current plan and can be modified accordingly.
4. <<Neutron Science Group>> By Yujiro Ikeda
(Materials & Life Science Experimental Facility Group)
According to the budgetary scheme for the fabrication in this
fiscal year, there has been significant progress on the detailed
design of the structural components of the spallation source station,
e.g., shielding blocks, the shutter system, the helium vessel,
the reflector, and reflector plugs. A first bid and contract is
scheduled in early December 2002. The AIC (Ag, In, Cd) material is
under final evaluation to be employed as a decoupler to keep the
decoupling energy of 1 eV. A conceptual design of the remote-handling
scheme for the moderator, reflector and their plug has made remarkable
progress. As it has been recognized as a serious technological and
engineering issue, we just have started an off-line test of the pitting
on the inner surface of a mercury target container.
A Neutron Instruments Planning Committee was organized under
the project director for the decision making process to select
instruments to be built. The 1st meeting was held on April 22 and
discussions were held to get an agreement of moderators and a base-line
neutron beam line arrangement for a detailed design of the target
station. A policy for acceptance of instrument proposals was also
discussed. A call for letters of intent (LOI) will be issued soon.
5. <<Muon Science Group >> By Yasuhiro MIYAKE
The muon science experimental area, together with the
neutron facility is planned to be located in the integrated building
of the facility for the materials and life science study. Since its
construction will be started in April, 2003, we are now working to
complete a detailed design of the building structure, radiation shield,
electricity, cabling, cooling water, sump, air-circulation system,
primary proton beam line, and muon target and secondary beam lines
etc, together with the 3GeV proton transport group (3NBT) and neutron
science group. In particular, we are now optimizing the quantity of
iron blocks that are intended to be incorporated in the building
structure, by careful simulations using a Monte-Carlo Simulation
code, MCPX. The iron blocks with a dimension of 1 m x 2m x 0.35
m(height) are piled up on the floor up to 4 m FL(floor level).
Therefore, simulations assuming an unprecedented gap between
the iron blocks to be +-10 mm were also performed considering
the practical installation of the iron blocks, reflecting the detailed
design of the building structure.
The 9th International muSR Conference was held at June
3-7th, in Williamsburg, USA. In the conference, the latest status of
the construction of the Joint Project/muon science facility was
reported. A foundation of the International Advisory Committee for
Muon Science was proposed on the occasion of ISMS (the International
Society for muSR Spectroscopy) meeting held during the 9th
International muSR Conference.
6. <<Transmutation Experimental Group>> by Hiroyuki OIGAWA
.PIE (Post Irradiation Experiment) OF STRUCTURAL MATERIALS
As the material research for the beam window of the ADS
(Accelerator Driven nuclear Transmutation) Target Test Facility,
tensile tests of austenitic stainless steel, JPCA(Japanese Candidate
Austenitic Stainless Steel) irradiated with mixed high-energy
proton/neutron spectra were carried out at JAERI Hot Laboratory.
The yield stress of JPCA increased to more than three times its non-
irradiated value. It was shown that the ductility ranges from 15 to 20%
after irradiation to 10dpa. The static corrosion test equipment was
improved with the oxygen control apparatus using Ar-H2/H2O gas.
The static corrosion test has been started in liquid Pb-Bi with about
10^-6 weight % oxygen.
Safety analyses for the Transmutation Physics Experimental
Facility have continued. Data and method for the neutronics
calculation of the subcritical core have been verified by participating
in the MUSE benchmark analysis under the framework of
OECD/NEA/NSC/WPPT. The MUSE is an experimental program for
subcritical reactor physics using the MASURCA facility in
7. <<Radiation Safety Group>> By Hideo NARUSE
In the design of the high intensity proton accelerator
facility, a large and intensive beam loss is expected around the
injection and extraction sections of the synchrotrons and in some other
locations. Since the concrete wall around these sections is subject to
being highly activated, it is presumed that radiation workers may
receive a large radiation dose during the maintenance work around
these sections. The safety group has been suggesting to use a low
activation-ized concrete to reduce the radiation dose of maintenance
radiation workers. Through the technical study of the construction
group, the outlook for utilizing the concrete has now become
prospective. It should be noted that this will be the first trial in
Japan for large scale construction using the low activation-ized
concrete in order to reduce radiation dose.
The hearing of the conceptual design of the 50-GeV
synchrotron towards the construction in this coming fall has started
between the safety group and the Ibaraki Prefecture Government. The
meeting of the Committee for Nuclear Safety Rules is scheduled to be
held in late of August for this project.
8. <<The Integrated Control Group >> By Junsei CHIBA
The Integrated Control Group has been recently formed in the
Joint Project Team. The role of the group is supposed to take care of
everything related to "control". Some issues related to "control" have
been already taken care of in some other groups, but some issues had
not been discussed in a well organized manner. Therefore, the first
task of the group was to survey the current situation and rearrange
the organization a little bit. The existing control subgroup in the
Accelerator Group is kept unchanged (it means we haven't formed a
control subgroup in the Integrated Control Group) and works together
with control groups in each Experimental Hall for unified beam control.
So far, we have established the following four subgroups and one
supplemental steering meeting:
- PPS (Personal Protection System) subgroup lead by H. Kobayashi
- MPS (Machine Protection System) subgroup lead by H. Yoshikawa
- Timing subgroup lead by F. Tamura and M. Yoshii
- Network subgoup lead by J. Chiba
- Facilities steering meeting
Each subgroup consists of core members and satellite members.
Core members discuss and make an overall design of each system
and satellite members are responsible to the system in each facility.
9. <<Facility Construction Group>>
By Hideo NARUSE & Takashi NANBU
The ground breaking ceremony for safety in construction of
the Project was held on June 6 by seven contractors, which was a
milestone of the construction start.
As a first step for the construction of the Linac building
that was contracted in March, 2002, clearing trees from the site for
the Linac and the 3GeV Synchrotron Building was almost finished at the
end of June.
Following the felling of trees, site preparation work such as
constructions of roads, a multi purpose underground conduit, etc., and
construction of a temporary bridge and road for soil transfer will be
started soon. Construction of a security road that is required from the
Tokai local government and so on is progressing well.
The detailed design for the 3GeV Synchrotron Building will be
completed in July. A detailed design for the Material and Life Science
Facility was contracted at the end of June and the work will start soon.
Work has begun for a construction contract for the new 153 kV
electricity receiving/transforming substation.
Soon a subterranean water investigation for the whole
construction site will be started, which includes an investigation of
the subterranean water/stratum structure by means of 2-dimensional
electric survey and an analysis of subterranean water fluctuations.
The construction of the 50 GeV Synchrotron will be divided
into several phases. The first phase includes construction of the first
quarter of the tunnel and the Central Control Building. Construction
of a second quarter of the tunnel will be made in the second phase.
These contracts will be concluded within this year.
Prior to the construction, a geological survey for the 50
GeV Synchrotron area was performed this June. The result indicates
that the depth of the support ground is varying too much and additional
detailed survey is planned.
An application for permission to release the forest preserve
for the 50 GeV Synchrotron area was filed to the local government.
10. Announcement of symposiums and meetings
1) International Workshop on Nuclear and Particle Physics at 50-GeV PS,
27-29 September, Kyoto University. [http://www-jhf.kek.jp/NP02]
Contact: Naohito Sato, np02 at nh.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp
2) 2nd Neutron Instruments Planning Committee, 24 July, JAERI
3) Workshop on
Instruments for Materials Structure Analysis, 29,30 July, KEK
Contact: takashi.kamiyama at kek.jp
4) Workshop on
Instruments for Nano Materials Structure, 2 Aug., KEK
Contact: suzuki at neutrons.tokai.jaeri.go.jp
5) Workshop on
Inelastic Scattering Instruments, 8,9 Aug., JAERI
Contact: shinichi.itoh at kek.jp
11. Editorial note
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Information on the project can be also obtained at the Web site:
Editorial Board:
Masatoshi ARAI (chair): masatoshi.arai at kek.jp
Koji YOSHIMURA koji.yoshimura at kek.jp
Yujiro IKEDA: ikeda at cens.tokai.jaeri.go.jp
Nobuo OUCHI ouchi at linac.tokai.jaeri.go.jp
Shinya SAWADA: shinya.sawada at kek.jp
English Editor:
Dick Mischke mischke at lanl.gov
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