[Neutron] Registration and Call for abstracts: 2nd International Workshop on "Dynamics in Confinement"

Alison Cross confit at ill.fr
Wed Oct 2 17:11:11 CDT 2002

Dear all,

Please note that the deadline to register for the

2nd Int. Workshop on 'Dynamics in Confinement'

held at the ILL, Grenoble

                                 in January 22.-25., 2003

is approaching. You can register on:


                 Deadline for registration and abstracts
                                 15. October, 2002
Institut Laue-Langevin
6, rue Jules Horowitz, B.P. 156, F-38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
Fax: +33 (0), E-mail: confit at ill.fr
Web address: http://www.ill.fr/Events/ONSITE/confit2003/confit.html
(Workshop Secretary: A. Cross, Tel.: +33 (0)4

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