[Neutron] N/X School Alumni session at the APS Users Meeting (April 29-May 1)

Ray Osborn ROsborn at anl.gov
Sun Mar 2 14:09:33 CST 2003

The 12th Advanced Photon Source Users Meeting will be held April 29-May 1,
2003. As part of this year¹s user meeting, one half-day workshop session
will be devoted to talks from alumni of the National School for Neutron and
X-ray Scattering (N/X School) that has been held the past four summers at
Argonne National Laboratory.  This session will be held on Tuesday
afternoon, April 29.  Immediately following the workshop there will be a
combined reception and poster session.

We invite all alumni to submit an abstract, using the abstract submission
forms available at <http://www.aps.anl.gov/conferences/12um/>.  On these
forms, there is a check box to indicate that the poster is for the N/X
School session.  The talks for this session will be selected from these
submissions, with the remainder being displayed in a designated area during
the User Meeting Poster session.  The posters or talks need not be limited
to discussion of work from the APS, but should be in the general area of
subjects covered during the N/X school.  Partial travel support may be
available for submissions that are selected for talks.

We do not have the current e-mail addresses for many of the students from
the first couple of N/X schools due to the high mobility of those students
after they finish graduate school.  Please help us in spreading the word of
this workshop by sharing this information with other N/X school alumni who
may be interested in participating.  We look forward to seeing many of you
again at this reunion.

Dean Haeffner and Raymond Osborn, Scientific Directors
Harold Myron, Educational Director
Carol Reynolds, Conference Secretary
N/X School Email: nxschool at dep.anl.gov

Dr Ray Osborn                Tel: +1 (630) 252-9011
Materials Science Division   Fax: +1 (630) 252-7777
Argonne National Laboratory  E-mail: ROsborn at anl.gov
Argonne, IL 60439-4845

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