[Neutron] Diffuse Scattering Workshop reminder

Ray Osborn ROsborn at anl.gov
Wed May 14 12:00:46 CDT 2003

   "Single-Crystal Diffuse Scattering at Pulsed Neutron Sources"
                 Intense Pulsed Neutron Source
                  Argonne National Laboratory
                       June 16-17, 2003

This is a reminder that the official deadline for the Workshop on
"Single-Crystal Diffuse Scattering at Pulsed Neutron Sources", to be held on
June 16-17, 2003, at Argonne National Laboratory is tomorrow, May 15, 2003.
We will continue to accept registrations after this date but would encourage
all those interested in attending to register as soon as possible,
particularly if you wish to give a presentation. Please visit
<http://www.neutron.anl.gov/diffuse/> for the draft program and other
workshop information.

As the program shows, this workshop will provide an excellent introduction
to current capabilities in single-crystal diffuse coherent neutron
scattering around the world, as well as providing a forum for discussing
future developments and scientific opportunities, particularly at the
Spallation Neutron Source.  We invite all those interested in disordered
materials to attend.

The goals of this Workshop are:

1) To discuss the range of science to which single-crystal diffuse neutron
scattering has made, and will make, an important contribution.

2) To review current diffuse scattering instrumentation around the world.

3) To discuss the technical challenges that must be addressed by an
optimized diffuse scattering diffractometer, including methods of
discriminating elastic from inelastic scattering and performing polarization

4) To explore the science case for building a dedicated single-crystal
diffuse scattering diffractometer at the SNS.

Ray Osborn <ROsborn at anl.gov>
Stephan Rosenkranz <SRosenkranz at anl.gov>
Chairs, Workshop on "Single Crystal Diffuse Scattering at Pulsed Neutron

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