[Neutron] Post-doctoral appointment at IPNS

Worlton, Thomas G. tworlton at anl.gov
Mon May 19 09:53:08 CDT 2003

Job Description:  Post-doctoral student for Neutron Scattering Data

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral appointment in computer
science in the Intense Pulsed Neutron Source Division (IPNS) of Argonne
National Laboratory.  Argonne is one of the preeminent multidisciplinary
research facilities in the country and is operated by the University of
Chicago for the Department of Energy.  IPNS operates a national user
facility for the neutron scattering community and also plays a critical
role in instrument design and construction for the Spallation Neutron
Source (SNS). For a description of Divisional programs, please visit the
IPNS Home Page on the Internet: http://www.pns.anl.gov/ 

The successful candidate will help in the development of software for
accessing, viewing and analyzing neutron scattering data. Training
and/or experience in Java and object-oriented programming techniques are
needed.  Some knowledge of FORTRAN, Python, C, and C++, would also be
desirable.  Knowledge of physics or chemistry, particularly in the area
of neutron or X-ray scattering techniques, is highly desirable.  This
job will require interaction with Instrument Scientists for the IPNS
neutron scattering instruments (http://www.pns.anl.gov/IPNSINST.HTM).

The successful candidate will become part of a team that has already
made considerable progress in designing visualization and analysis
software that is portable and easy to use
(http://www.pns.anl.gov/isaw/).  Most programming has been done in the
Java language, but some has been done in C in order to interface with
older computing systems or programming languages.  This individual will
also help write software used in collection of data and remote access to

Interested candidates should submit curriculum vitae, list of references
and a short statement of their qualifications to: Thomas Worlton,
IPNS-360, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne,
IL 60439.
Applications may also be made by Fax to 630-252-4163, or by e-mail to
tworlton at anl.gov.  Argonne is an equal opportunity/affirmative action

Tom Worlton
IPNS Division
Argonne National Laboratory
E-mail: tworlton at anl.gov 
Tel: 630-252-8755
Fax: 630-252-4163

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