[Neutron] PNSXM reminder - May 21, 2003.

Dr. Flavio Carsughi F.Carsughi at alisf1.univpm.it
Wed May 21 20:39:44 CDT 2003

Dear Colleagues

please find here useful reminders for those who are interested to 
attend the PNSXM conference to held in Venice, August 4-6, 2003.

The deadline for the advance registration is next May 25, 2003.  The 
conference fee before that date is 400 euro and after it will have an 
increase of 20%.  If you prefer to pay by bank transfer or by cheque, 
please remember that we will consider the date on the sending 
document (bank document or postal stamp on the envelope, 
respectively).   You can use the credit card as well through the 
PNSXM web site and this will be automatically updated.
In your own interest, please check the amount you have to pay and 
deadline carefully.

In order to finalize the scientific programme of the conference and 
the book of abstracts, the invited speakers are kindly requested to 
register under our web site.  The present statement is directed to 
those invited speakers, who have not yet registered in our web  site.

The deadline for the payment of the room at San Servolo is next June 
10, 2003.  The campus management requires this payment to keep the 
room for those who reserved already. Unfortunately we have no rooms 
left available, and a waiting list has been established for the rooms 
which might be available after the deadline of June 10, 2003.

The deadline for abstract submission is already gone, but we still 
accept post-deadline contributions as poster presentations.  They 
will probably not appear in the abstract book, although I will do my 
very best.

The deadline for the manuscript submission is next June 20, 2003. 
Please let us have your contribution in advance in order to be 
processed during the conference and have the proceddings ready in a 
very short period.

Payments via credit card on the PNSXM web site is secure and safe, 
this method has been routinely used also for other conferences and 
did not bring any safety problem at all.  Alternatively, we can send 
the credit card to me and I will take care personally of the payment.


F.Carsughi at alisf1.univpm.it

Flavio Carsughi  
Facolta' di Agraria
Universita' degli Studi di Ancona
Via Brecce Bianche              Tel:          + 39 071 220-4370
I-60131 Ancona                  Fax:          + 39 071 220-4605
Italia                          e-mail:       F.Carsughi at alisf1.univpm.it

Unita' di Ancona
Facolta' di Ingegneria
Via Brecce Bianche
I-60131 Ancona

ESS - Central Project Team
Forschungszentrum Juelich       Tel:          + 49 (0)2461 61-8647
D-52425  Juelich                Fax:          + 49 (0)2461 61-4155
Deutschland                     e-mail:       F.Carsughi at fz-juelich.de
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