[Neutron] Workshops on chem-bio interface and sample environments

Ekkebus, Allen E. ekkebusae at ornl.gov
Mon Jul 14 14:23:30 CDT 2003

The Joint Institute for Neutron Sciences, in conjunction with the
National Science Foundation, the University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, and the Florida State University, are pleased to
announce two workshops to be held at Florida State University, September
23-26, 2003.


The U.S. neutron users' community is eagerly anticipating the
commissioning and operation of beamlines at the Spallation Neutron
Source (SNS), currently under construction at Oak Ridge National
Laboratory. Many opportunities exist for wonderful scientific advances
with neutron scattering and spectroscopic investigations by chemists and
by biologists working at the chemistry-biology interface. However, the
number of active neutron users among these communities is currently
small, and the communities as a whole have had little opportunity to
communicate their interests and needs. A series of talks on scientific
grand challenges and the role neutrons can play are planned in areas
such as: 

*         catalysis; 

*         compounds with exotic magnetic and electronic properties; 

*         materials for energy production and storage; 

*         structure and dynamics in liquids, glasses, complex fluids; 

*         molecular behavior under confinement/near interfaces; and 

*         complex self-assembled materials of molecular and
macromolecular components, studied at multiple length scales. 

The goals of this workshop are to: 

*         inform the chemistry and chem-bio communities of
opportunities-instrumentation and supporting facilities-currently
planned for the SNS; 

*         solicit the community's ideas on the needs for
instrumentation, for detector development, for sample environment
development (addressed by the overlapping workshop, SENSE), for
time-resolved neutron scattering, for deuteration facilities for both
low- and high molecular compounds, for data analysis suites that
integrate modeling and simulation and for educational efforts in
designing, executing and analyzing scattering experiments; and 

*         identify the tools needed and outline a path to realization
via the formation of concept teams to develop science cases and funding
proposals for instrumentation, sample environments, supporting lab
facilities and best practices for education of new users in the
chemistry and chem.-bio communities. 

SENSE Workshop
A growing number of scientists are using neutron scattering techniques,
and their research increasingly calls for more advanced sample
environments (temperature, magnetic field, pressure, chemical
environment, etc.). Challenging research areas include in situ studies
of catalysis, self-assembling nanostructures, pressure-induced phase
transitions, dynamic mechanical stress, and high-field studies of
magnetic excitations and structures. SENSE is an action-oriented
workshop devoted to exploring the science drivers impacting sample
environment issues, and developing a roadmap to address these needs: 

*         leading scientists from several communities speak about hot
research topics with strong sample environment implications, 

*         instrumentation experts give a worldwide overview of sample
environment capabilities, 

*         discussion panels establish benchmarks for new sample
environment development (all attendees encouraged to participate), 

*         funding opportunities and new program initiatives announced,

*         poster sessions and tours of the National High Magnetic Field


One registration fee covers attendance at both events.  Scholarships are
available for students, faculty, and postdocs at colleges and
universities.  Women and minorities are particularly urged to apply.
For more information and registration details, please visit




Allen E. Ekkebus

Spallation Neutron Source

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

701 Scarboro Road

Oak Ridge, TN  37830

Telephone: (865) 241-5644

Fax: (865) 241-5177


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