[Neutron] Workshop on Polarisation Analysis and Inelastic Cold-Neutron Scat tering at Australia's Replacement Research Reactor 27 and 28 January 2004

ROBINSON, Robert rro at ansto.gov.au
Thu Oct 9 11:38:17 CDT 2003

On the 27th and 28th of January 2004, the tenth workshop to discuss the neutron-beam instrumentation for Australia's Replacement Research Reactor will be held at Lucas Heights. The subject will be the scientific applications to of Polarised and Inelastic
Cold-Neutron Scattering. 
The purpose of the workshop is to 
*	demonstrate the applications of these methods to Australian industry, government and universities, and 
*	make a start on defining specifications for instrumentation and sample-environment apparatus at the Replacement Research Reactor 
For more details see:  http://www.ansto.gov.au/ansto/bragg/workshops/workshop10.html
To register, go to: http://www.ansto.gov.au/ansto/bragg/workshops/workshop10_reg.html


Robert A. Robinson
The Bragg Institute, Building 58
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
Menai                  tel:  +61-(2)-9717-9204
NSW 2234           FAX: +61-(2)-9717-3606
AUSTRALIA         e-mail:  rro at ansto.gov.au

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