[Neutron] Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining Annual Congress, London 30 Mar-1st April 2004

Keith Ross d.k.ross at salford.ac.uk
Fri Oct 10 00:25:24 CDT 2003

Dear all,

Can I cordially invite you to attend this congress and to submit an 
abstract to the Neutron Scattering and Materials Science symposium 
which  takes place on 1st April. it would be helpful if you submit 
quickly, even if you are not absolutely certain of attending.,

Full details of the Congress, including how to submit abstracts can be 
found on the web at www.iom3.org/congress2004. Could I ask that when 
submitting abstracts you mention the name of the symposium.

The object of the symposium is to showcase the wide range of neutron 
scattering techniques that are being applied to materials science 
problems. The flyer for the symposium and the abstracts of the invited 
talks are given in the attached word files.

Keith Ross
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