[Neutron] Announcement of PNCMI 2004

Klose, Frank Richard klosefr at ornl.gov
Mon Dec 1 17:52:53 CST 2003

PNCMI 2004 - First Announcement


Dear Colleague, 


The fifth international workshop on Polarized Neutrons in Condensed
Matter Investigations PNCMI 2004 will be held in Washington D.C. from
June 1 - 4, 2004. 


Conference topics include: 

i) Condensed matter research using polarized neutrons 

ii) Science opportunities at next generation sources 

iii) Novel instrumentation. 


An educational session will be organized for young scientists on June 4,
followed by a hands-on training at the NIST Center for Neutron Research
on June 5. 


If you consider attending the conference and/or wish to receive future
announcements, please send an email to:

pncmi2004 at ornl.gov

For further information, please visit our web site: 



Hope to see you in June in Washington, D.C.!


On behalf of the Organizing Committee:

Frank Klose     Conference Chair         (Klosefr at ornl.gov)

Hal Lee            Program Chair              (Leewt at ornl.gov)

Georg Ehlers    Program Chair              (Ehlersg at ornl.gov)


Alan Ekkebus   Local Contact               (Ekkebusae at ornl.gov)

Carol Zimmer   Conference Secretary   (PNCMI2004 at ornl.gov)

Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Laboratory



Frank Klose 
Instrument Scientist 

Spallation Neutron Source-Experimental Facilities Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory 
701 Scarboro Road 
Oak Ridge, Tennessee  37830, USA
PH:   (865) 576 - 5389
FAX:  (865) 241 - 5177 
KloseFR at ornl.gov

www.sns.gov       (General Information about SNS) 
www.sns.anl.gov  (SNS Neutron Scattering Instruments) 



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