[Neutron] Gen Shirane

Steve Shapiro shapiro at bnl.gov
Tue Jan 18 17:17:42 CST 2005

Please distribute:

	Gen Shirane, a giant in the field of neutron scattering, died 
suddenly on Sunday, January 16, 2005.  Gen had a 50 year career in 
neutron scattering, most of it working at Brookhaven's High Flux Beam 
Reactor.  He performed many seminal experiments and published more 
that 700 papers on a wide variety of topics ranging from 
ferroelectricity to low dimensional solids and High Tc.
	A Memorial tribute to Gen will be held  at 2:00 PM on 
Saturday, Feb. 12, 2005 in the Physics Department's Seminar Room at 
Brookhaven National Laboratory. If you would like to attend, please 
contact either Sharon Smith (slsmith at bnl.gov) or Steve Shapiro 
(shapiro at bnl.gov)
	In lieu of flowers, the family requests that  donations in 
Gen's name be sent to the Student Conservation Association, c/o H. 
Montgomery, PO Box 550
Charlestown, New Hampshire 03603-0550, an organization which
provides volunteer conservation service opportunities to high
school and college students.

    		S. M. Shapiro           
		Physics Department
        	Brookhaven National Laboratory
              	Department of Physics, Bldg. 510A
		PO Box 5000
             	Upton, NY 11973-5000, U.S.A.

                Tel:      	(631)344-3822
                Fax:     	(631)344-2918
                e-mail:		shapiro at bnl.gov              

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