[Neutron] Job opening - post-doc

Marianne van Baaren m.j.vanbaaren at iri.tudelft.nl
Thu Mar 3 12:24:51 CST 2005

Job opening

Title:        Off-specular neutron reflection using spin-echo angular 

 what:       Post-doc, 2 years
where:     Delft University of Technology,
Department 'Radiation, Radionuclides & Reactors', (until 31-12-2004: 
IRI), Mekelweg 15, 2629 JB, Delft, the Netherlands 

Contact:   A.A. van Well, email: vanwell at iri.tudelft.nl 
<mailto:vanwell at iri.tudelft.nl>, phone: +31 15 278 4738 

Job Description:


The Delft University of Technology participates in instrument 
development at the second target station of the neutron spallation 
source ISIS, UK. This job opening is within the OffSpec project the 
construction of a neutron reflectometer optimised for off-specular 
neutron scattering. Delft is responsible for the development and 
implementation of spin-echo angular labelling to determine the 
off-specular reflection, which in turn yields information about in-plane 
inhomogeneities. This novel technique, developed in Delft, is already 
successfully applied in spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering 
(SESANS). In contrast to the conventional off-specular methods, where 
experiments are performed in reciprocal space, the spin-echo method 
probes directly in real space (on length scales from approximately 50 nm 
to 50 mm). A PhD student has already been appointed for this project and 
will focus on the instrumental development. The main task of successful 
applicant for this job opening will be the theoretical description and 
the physical interpretation of the off-specular reflection in real space 
as obtained by the spin-echo technique. He/she will also be involved in 
the performing the first experiments. 

We are looking for a candidate with a PhD in physics, and preferably 
expertise in neutron or X-ray off-specular reflectometry. He/she has 
both experimental and theoretical skills and is keen to work within an 
international group.            

More information:

Marianne van Baaren

Faculty of Applied Sciences
Department: Radiation, Radionuclide & Reactors
Group: Fundamental Aspects of Materials and Energey (FAME)
Group: Neutron and Positron Methods in Materials (NPM2)
Mekelweg 15, 2629 JB Delft
The Netherlands
phone: +31 (0)15 2786814
fax: +31 (0)15 2788303

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