[Neutron] Neutrons at the Frontier of Earth Sciences & Environment

Ekkebus, Allen E. ekkebusae at ornl.gov
Thu Mar 10 12:56:28 CST 2005

The Symposium on "Neutrons at the Frontier of Earth Sciences &
Environment" will take place from Monday 25th to Tuesday 26th April 2005
in Vienna, Austria.  Two days will be dedicated to identify new areas of
research in the Earth and Environmental Sciences where neutrons can play
a relevant and even unique role.   Participants are advised to register
in advance at reduced Pre-Registration Rates. The final deadline for
pre-registration is 08 April 2005!   The program is available now: an
interesting set of talks which are held by 32 speakers from Europe, the
US and Japan. 


Find out all the information about this event on the European Neutron




Allen E. Ekkebus

Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

One Bethel Valley Road, Bldg 8600

P. O. Box 2008, MS 6474

Oak Ridge, TN  37831-6474

Telephone: (865) 241-5644            Fax: (865) 241-5177


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