[Neutron] Bragg Research Fellowship

Craig Buckley C.Buckley at curtin.edu.au
Thu Jul 21 11:27:03 CDT 2005

> Dear Colleagues, 
> Please find below an advertisement for a joint Research Fellowship from The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) and Curtin University of Technology. Please publish it at your earliest convenience, as the applications deadline is 2 September 2005. 
> **************************************************************************************************************
> Bragg Research Fellowship
> Joint Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) and Curtin University of Technology Research Fellowship
> Ref 4064
> The use of neutron scattering and other advanced radiation scattering techniques for investigating the structures and properties of new materials.
> Curtin University of Technology in conjunction with ANSTO wishes to offer a prestigious Research/Teaching Fellowship to commence in early 2006.  This Fellowship aims to attract a high quality researcher with excellent potential for providing future academic leadership at the University.  The appointments will involve an initial three-year Research Fellowship.  Subject to performance review, the Fellow may proceed to a continuing appointment after a further two-year Research/Teaching Fellowship.  The Fellow will be known as the Bragg Fellow.
> The principal selection criterion will be research excellence.  Other criteria include an ability to develop effective teaching skills and demonstrated effective communication and interpersonal skills.  Applicants must have completed a research Doctoral degree at the time of application.
> The appointee will be required to conduct research using neutron and other advanced radiation sources to advance knowledge in the field of new materials.
> The project requires the services of a full-time Research Fellow who is a highly motivated experimental scientist able to work closely with research staff both at Curtin University of Technology in Perth and ANSTO at Lucas Heights, just outside Sydney.  The Bragg Fellow will be expected to maintain a strong research presence in both institutions.  The ideal candidate will have a Ph.D. in physics, materials science, chemistry or a related area.  Previous experience in neutron or X-ray scattering is highly desirable.  
> General Information
> Contact: Further information can be obtained from Associate Professor Craig Buckley by telephone (08) 9266 3532, facsimile (08) 9266 2377 or Email C.buckley at curtin.edu.au <mailto:C.buckley at curtin.edu.au>
> To obtain an information package please visit the University> '> s  job website at Jobs @ Curtin <http://jobs.curtin.edu.au/>
> Applications must address the selection criteria, quote the reference number and include the names, addresses, telephone and facsimile numbers of three referees.
> Selection criteria: available on our Web at Jobs @ Curtin <http://jobs.curtin.edu.au/>
> Benefits: Curtin offers attractive salaries and conditions of employment. The total employment cost, including superannuation (UniSuper) is available for repackaging through the University's salary packaging service. (Conditions for appointees include airfares and removal assistance.)
> Submit Applications: Stuart Clarke, Office of Research and Development, Curtin University of  Technology, GPO Box U1987, Perth, Western Australia, 6845. Only applications that have the support of a School or University Research Institute/Centre will be considered.
> Guidelines and an application form are available from: Jobs @ Curtin <http://jobs.curtin.edu.au/>
> Closing Date: 5pm, Friday 2 September 2005. 
> Curtin reserves the right to appoint by invitation.
> *********************************************************************************************************************************************
> Regards
> Craig Buckley
> Dr. Craig Buckley
> Associate Professor and > Post Graduate Coordinator
> Dept. of Applied Physics
> Curtin University of Technology
> GPO Box U 1987, Perth, 6845
> WA, Australia
> Phone:	Work	08 9266 3532
> 		Home	08 9417 3087
> 		Mobile	0401 103 602
> Fax:	Work	08 9266 2377
> International: Delete 0. Add 61
> email:  C.Buckley at curtin.edu.au
> Web: http://www.dept.physics.curtin.edu.au/staff/craig_buckley/index.cfm
> CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
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