[Neutron] MECA SENS Oct 17-19, Santa Fe

Don Brown dbrown at lanl.gov
Wed Jul 27 08:26:42 CDT 2005

Dear colleague:

         The third installation of the 
<http://lansce.lanl.gov/MECASENS2005/>MECA SENS conference will be held 
October 17-19, 2005 at the Bishop's Lodge Resort in Santa Fe, NM. The 
agenda is now complete and the preliminary technical program can be found 
on the website. As the schedule shows, this is very international 
conference with speakers from across Europe, Russia, Japan and South 
Africa, as well as North America and topics focused on materials evaluation 
with diffraction (neutron and synchrotron x-ray) techniques.

You are cordially invited to attend MECA SENS III. There is still plenty of 
room for posters should you wish to contribute. The registration site is 
now live and contact information for Bishop's Lodge is on the website.

Best Regards,

Don Brown

Donald W. Brown, B.Sc. Ph.D.
Technical Staff Member, MST-8

Los Alamos National Laboratory          Phone #: (505) 667-7904
Lujan Center, LANSCE-12
Mail Stop H805                          Email:  dbrown at lanl.gov
Los Alamos, NM 87545                    Fax: (505) 665-2676

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