[Neutron] Workshops on neutron instruments at pulsed neutron sources for nanoscience

arai (windows) masaarai at hotmail.co.jp
Wed Dec 14 22:39:52 CST 2005

Workshop on Neutron Instruments at Pulsed Neutron Sources for  
Nanoscience, January 24-27, 2006

Dear Friends,

A series of workshops on neutron instruments at pulsed neutron sources  
for nanoscience will be held at High Energy Accelerator Research  
Organization(KEK), Tsukuba and at Japan Atomic Energy Agency(JAEA),  

Tues., Jan. 24, 2006, at KEK   Workshop on total scattering instruments
Wed., Jan. 25, 2006, at JAEA   Workshop on small-angle scattering  
Thur., Jan. 26, 2006, at JAEA   J-PARC tour
Fri., Jan. 27, 2006, at KEK   Workshop on reflectometers

The scope of the workshop is to discuss design concepts of these  
instruments for nanoscience and its structural and technical  
optimization. The workshop will bring together representatives of the  
planned instruments at SNS, ISIS-TS2 and J-PARC and experts for  
critical discussions of recent advances and future prospects in  
methodology, technology and nanoscience for which these instruments  
will play important roles. The invited speakers are A.Soper(ISIS),  
A.Hannon(ISIS), T.Egami(Univ. of Tennessee), D.Mildner(NIST),  
J.Zhao(SNS), J.Penfold(ISIS), J.Ankner(SNS), et al.

Further information about the workshop will be available at the web  
page: http://j-parc.jp/.
If you plan to attend the workshop, please contact Ms. Junko Kai  
(kaijun at post.kek.jp) with the registration form.

-----Registration Form-----------------------------------------------
1. Workshop registration
Please check the brackets of the workshop and tour which you plan to  
[   ] Workshop on total scattering instruments, Tues., Jan. 24, 2006,  
at KEK
[   ] Workshop on small-angle scattering instruments, Wed., Jan. 25,  
2006, at JAEA
[   ] J-PARC tour, Thur., Jan. 26, 2006, at JAEA
[   ] Workshop on reflectometers, Fri., Jan. 27, 2006, at KEK

2. Accommodation
Please fill in the information about check-in, check-out date, if you  
wish to reserve accommodation of KEK and JAEA guest houses.
check-in date:
check-out date:

Best regards,

Toshiya Otomo (KEK),
Jun-ichi Suzuki (JAEA)
Kentaro Suzuya (JAEA)
Naoya Torikai (KEK)

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