[Neutron] Post-doc and thesis student positions at ILL-Grenoble and TU-Delft

Mark Johnson johnson at ill.fr
Thu Feb 2 10:36:08 CST 2006

Relaxation of hot-carriers in organic photo-cell materials.
We are seeking a post doc and a thesis student to study the coupling
between vibrational modes and electronic relaxation in organic photocell
materials. Much of the potential efficiency of organic photocells is
lost through these processes that we intend to understand by experiment
and first-principles modelling methods. Both posts are joint between the
"Computation Lab" at the Institut Laue Langevin, in Grenoble, France,
and "Fundamental Aspects of Materials and Energy" section at Delft
University of Technology. Candidates for the post doctoral position must
have previous experience of quantum chemistry methods, and some
experience of neutron scattering or femto-second spectroscopy would be
desirable. Both posts require travelling between Delft and Grenoble and
successful candidates would probably come from a physics or chemical
physics background. 
For additional information contact Don Kearley (g.j.kearley at TUDelft.NL),
Fokko Mulder (F.M.Mulder at TUDelft.NL) or Mark Johnson (johnson at ill.fr).
Please send a letter of motivation and CV to Marianne van Baaren
(M.J.VanBaaren at TUDelft.NL) before March 20 2006.
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