[Neutron] New Research Fellowship Scheme at Australian & New Zealand Univer sities - focussed on Neutron Scattering

ROBINSON, Robert rro at ansto.gov.au
Tue Mar 7 13:01:29 CST 2006

AINSE Research Fellowships

Tenure-track fellowships for career researchers with a record in neutron scattering 

The new OPAL research reactor at Lucas Heights is opening up new possibilities in neutron scattering research in Australia.

You can be part of this exciting facility if you have between three and eight years post PhD experience and wish to undertake research in areas of science and technology requiring the use the OPAL reactor by applying for an AINSE research fellowship. 

The fellowships are offered at academic level B, indicative salary range AUD79,000 - 81,000, to allow outstanding and enthusiastic scientists to undertake research in areas of science and technology requiring the use the OPAL reactor. Fellows will work in
one of the AINSE member universities (i.e. Australian or New Zealand Universities) and be attached to ANSTO for experiments on the new, state of the art neutron science facilities on OPAL. They also supply a generous research budget of $40,000 in the first
year and reducing each year after that to $15,000 in the third year 

Applicants from a wide range of disciplines including chemistry, physics, molecular biology, biochemistry, medicine, materials science, environmental science and engineering are invited to apply. More details can be found by downloading the guidelines and
application form.

Prior to submitting your application you will need to arrange potential supervisors at an AINSE member university and one at ANSTO's Bragg Institute. 

For further details please visit the following website: http://www.ansto.gov.au/ainse/postdoc/postdocfellows.html

Closing Date: 31 May 2006

Robert A. Robinson
Head, The Bragg Institute, Building 58
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
Menai             tel: +61-(2)-9717-9204
NSW 2234          FAX: +61-(2)-9717-3606
AUSTRALIA         e-mail: rro at ansto.gov.au

Web sites: 


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