[Neutron] Int. Workshop on Applications of Advanced MC Simulations - October 2-4, 2006

Uwe Filges uwe.filges at psi.ch
Tue Apr 25 15:29:04 CDT 2006

We are pleased to announce that registration and submission of abstracts 
are now open for the:

International Workshop on Applications of Advanced Monte Carlo 
Simulations in Neutron Scattering

October 2-4, 2006, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland

The objectives of the workshop are to review the present status of the 
different Monte Carlo packages ( McStas, VITESS, Restrax and NISP ) used 
in the neutron scattering community and their applications.

In addition training lectures with the different Monte Carlo packages 
will be offered on 2nd October 2006 .

You will find detailed information at:


Please note the following deadlines:

- early registration; July 1, 2006 
- registration; September 1, 2006
- submission of abstracts; August 1, 2006

We are looking forward to meeting you at PSI!

H. Heer, M. Koennecke, G. Zsigmond and U. Filges
The organisers

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