[Neutron] Invitation to the International Workshop "Neutron Scattering Highlights on Biological Systems",Taormina, 7th-10th October 2006

smagazu at unime.it smagazu at unime.it
Mon Aug 7 11:12:05 CDT 2006

Dear Colleague,
It is a great pleasure to invite you to the International Workshop 
Neutron Scattering Highlights on Biological Systems which will be held 
from 7th to 10th October 2006 in Taormina, a fascinating Sicilian 
The workshop is supported by the European network NMI3 - Integrated 
Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon 
Spectroscopy. The fourth general NMI3 meeting 2006 will be held from 
9th to 11th October 2006 in Taormina.
The main scope of the workshop is to provide insight into neutron 
scattering techniques and to furnish a representative sampling of some 
experimental findings which, in the broad area of research under the 
general headings “biophysics”, “biomaterials” and related topics, have 
recently been the object of considerable scientific scrutiny.   
The workshop aims to attract researchers from completely different 
horizons providing a forum to bring together scientists from academia, 
industry and other research organisations so reinforcing a community 
at a time where the field is progressing rapidly. 
The look forward into the future will be based on a thorough analysis 
of past and present experimental highlights. 
You can find the workshop information on the web site: 
Looking forward to seeing you in Taormina, 
Salvatore Magazù

Prof. Salvatore Magazu'
Physics Department 
University of Messina
C.da Papardo n°31 S. Agata
98166 Messina
phone: 0039-090-6765025
fax: 0039-090-395004
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