[Neutron] Remind Bioneutron 2006: Call for paper
smagazu at unime.it
smagazu at unime.it
Wed Sep 6 11:56:56 CDT 2006
Dear Colleague,
It is a great pleasure to invite you to the International Workshop
Neutron Scattering Highlights on Biological Systems which will be held
from 7th to 10th October 2006 in Taormina, a fascinating Sicilian
You can find the updated workshop information on the web site:
Participants are encouraged to present oral or poster contributions.
They should submit a two-page abstract, following the template. The
abstracts will be collected in a volume.
Send submissions, indicating if poster or oral presentation is
preferred, to: bioneutron at unime.it
Please pay attention to the abstract deadline: 15th of September.
Full papers will be published in a special issue of Chemical Physics
on the general topic of the workshop, with Editor: Dr. Peter
Trommsdorff and Co-Editor: Prof. Giuseppe Zaccai. The deadline for
paper submission is to be fixed.
Looking forward to seeing you in Taormina,
Salvatore Magazù
Prof. Salvatore Magazu'
Physics Department
University of Messina
C.da Papardo n°31 S. Agata
98166 Messina
phone: 0039-090-6765025
fax: 0039-090-395004
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