[Neutron] Symposium on "Opportunities in Neutron Powder Diffraction"

Ray Osborn rosborn at anl.gov
Wed Nov 8 09:28:55 CST 2006

This is a reminder of the symposium being organized to celebrate Jim
Jorgensen’s scientific achievements and explore recent developments in the
field of neutron powder diffraction.  The full program is now online at
<http://www.msd.anl.gov/groups/nxrs/workshop/> and the speakers are listed
below.  If you would like to attend, please register using the online
registration form by November 20.

We are also compiling the many kind words that have been sent to us in
recent weeks for presentation to his wife and family.  Even if you are
unable to attend the workshop, we invite you to record your own tributes and
memories using the form posted on the symposium web page.

Symposium on "Opportunities in Neutron Powder Diffraction"
A Tribute to James D. Jorgensen (1948-2006)
Argonne National Laboratory
Saturday, December 9, 2006

We were all deeply saddened by the recent passing of Jim Jorgensen after a
long battle with cancer. In his honor, we are organizing a Symposium on
"Opportunities in Neutron Powder Diffraction", that will celebrate recent
developments in a field to which Jim made so many seminal contributions. It
will highlight progress in both science and instrumentation, with
contributions from leading scientists and colleagues with whom Jim
interacted as a scientist and as a person.  We invite all those who want to
celebrate his scientific achievements and discover their relevance to future
research opportunities to attend.

This is an all-day event, including morning and afternoon talks, and an
evening banquet. Full details of the program are now on the web at

The following talks are scheduled:
* Jack Carpenter (Argonne National Laboratory)
> Zing-P′
* John Parise (State University of New York, Stony Brook)
> Jorgensen, the SNAP beamline, and the promise of high pressure neutron
> research
* David Hinks (Argonne National Laboratory)
> Structure-property relationships in superconductors: The early years
* John Goodenough (University of Texas, Austin)
> Orbital and magnetic order in the RMnO3 perovskites
* Bill David (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
> From high temperature superconductivity to hydrogen
* Gabriel Aeppli (London Centre for Nanotechnology)
> New challenges in structure-property relations
* Paulo Radaelli (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
> Rietveld in the twilight zone
* Dimitri Argyriou (Hahn-Meitner Institute)
* Ivan Schuller (University of California, San Diego)
> Quantitative studies in novel thin film materials, or how Jim Jorgensen made a
> convert out of me
* Bernhard Keimer (Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart)
* Yuichi Shimakawa (Kyoto University)
> Structural studies on Tl-containing transition metal oxides: collaboration
> between US and Japan
* Sunil Sinha (University of California, San Diego)
> High-Tc and the coming of age of IPNS

We are compiling a tribute book for presentation to Jim's wife and family.
If you would like to submit a tribute for inclusion in this book, please
record it using the form on the Symposium web page.

There is no registration fee but all attendees should register using the
online form by November 20.
* Registration Form:

If you need any assistance with travel arrangements, please contact:
* Janice Coble <coble at anl.gov> +1 (630) 252-5497

Local Organizing Committee
* Gian Felcher <felcher at anl.gov>
* Ken Gray <kengray at anl.gov>
* David Hinks <hinks at anl.gov>
* Ray Osborn <rosborn at anl.gov>
* Simine Short <short at anl.gov>

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