[Neutron] Call for Proposals for Beam Time at the Lujan Neutron Scattering Center Beginning October 1, 2007

Anna Llobet allobet at lanl.gov
Mon May 21 11:09:09 CDT 2007

  Los Alamos Neutron Science Center Call for Proposals for the Lujan Neutron

*Scattering Center for the Run Cycle Beginning the Week of October 1, 2007 *


You are invited to submit a proposal to apply for beam time at the Lujan 
Neutron Scattering Center of the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center 
(LANSCE) for the run cycle scheduled to begin the week of October 1, 
2007.  *The deadline for submitting the proposals is 6:00 p.m. (1800) 
Mountain Daylight Time, Tuesday, June 26, 2007.*  Because of the limited 
time between the deadline for submitting proposals and the beginning of 
the run cycle, we cannot accept any proposals received after the due 
date.  Any proposals after the due date must be deferred to the 
following run cycle or submitted as an out of cycle, fast access 
proposal.  Fast access proposals may be submitted at any time, but 
require compelling evidence of sufficient scientific urgency to justify 
special scheduling.


*This call is for beam time at the Lujan Center only.  No proposals 
other than fast access will be accepted for the neutron nuclear science 
program at the Weapons Neutron Research Facility (WNR).*


Instruments/flight paths available at the Lujan Center in the current 
call for proposals are:**


   1. Polarized Beam Reflectometer (Asterix)
   2. Filter Difference Spectrometer (FDS)^*
   3. High-Pressure Preferred Orientation Diffractometer (HIPPO)
   4. Low Q Diffractometer (LQD)^*
   5. Neutron Powder Diffractometer (NPDF)
   6. High-Resolution Chopper Spectrometer (Pharos)^*
   7. Spectrometer for Materials Research at Temperature and Stress (SMARTS)
   8. Surface Profile Analysis Reflectometer (SPEAR)


*^* FDS, Pharos, and LQD have reduced availability*: these instruments 
will be available for 1/2, 3/4, and 3/4 of the run period, respectively.


During the previous proposal call, we received about a factor of five 
more proposals for the Protein Crystallography Station (PCS) than can be 
accommodated.  Most of these proposals were very highly rated, thus we 
are not accepting proposals for PCS during the present call.  Rather, we 
will schedule as many of the previous highly ranked proposals as we 
can.  In addition, the following instruments will not be part of the 
user program for the run cycle covered by this call for proposals.


   9. Single Crystal Diffractometer (SCD)
  10. Transmission Spectroscopy (Flight Path 5)
  11. High Intensity Powder Diffractometer (HIPD)


    Proposal Guidance and Submission

Proposals must be submitted using the process on the LANSCE website; 
only proposals submitted in this manner will be accepted.  To access the 
proposal submission sites, log onto the LANSCE home page 
(http://lansce.lanl.gov).  On this page you will find the link "Submit a 
Proposal for Beam Time: Begin Here." Click on Begin Here and this will 
take you to the proposal sites for either the Lujan Neutron Scattering 
Center or WNR Nuclear Science.  Click on the site to which you want to 
submit your proposal and you will be taken to the on-line submission system.


Detailed instructions for preparing the proposals can be found on the 
proposal submission sites under "Step-by-Step Guide to Submitting an 
Online Proposal." 


*_Experimental Reports_*

If you have received instrument time at Lujan during the past two years, 
an experimental report should be submitted through the web site.  This 
report should briefly outline the experiment, state whether it was 
completed and successful, and briefly review the results and indicate 
whether a publication resulted from the work.  The Program Advisory 
Committee will use this information in evaluating proposals for beam 
time in the upcoming cycle.  If you are receiving time in the cycle 
starting June 2007 and do not yet have results, this should be mentioned 
in the experimental report.


*_User Satisfaction Survey_*

Previous users are strongly urged to complete the user satisfaction 
survey summarizing their experience in performing experiments at the 
Lujan Center.  The results of these surveys are most helpful to us in 
improving the user experience, and are also data we are required to 
report to the DOE Office of Science.


    Student Travel Support

Travel support is available for students to participate in an experiment 
via the STONE (Student Travel Opportunities for Neutron Experiments) 
Program.  For information about this program go to the relevant proposal 
submission site as described previously and click on the "STONE Program" 
link.  Instructions about how to apply for support from the STONE 
program are found here.


Should you have any questions or require assistance, please contact the 
LANSCE User Office by e-mail at lansce_users at lanl.gov 
<mailto:lansce_users at lanl.gov> or by telephone at (505) 665-1010.

Dr. Anna Llobet 
Lujan Neutron Scattering Center
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM  87545, USA

Phone: +1 505 665-1367     Fax: +1 505 665-2676
Email: allobet at lanl.gov
Export license: TSPA, Correspondence 

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