[Neutron] Reminder: ORNL call for neutron scattering proposals

Ekkebus, Allen E. ekkebusae at ornl.gov
Tue Jul 3 08:30:39 CDT 2007

Reminder: Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Call for Proposals for
experiments at both the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) and the
Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) closes 6am EDT, Monday, July 16, 2007,
and includes the following nine instruments:


HFIR instruments [Covering run cycle HFIR 410 Rapid Access (starting
August 2007) and run cycles HFIR 411 and HFIR 412 (dates to be
determined beginning Fall 2007)]

****** Ames Lab Triple Axis (HB 1A)

*         Triple-Axis Spectrometers (HB 1 and HB 3)

*         Residual Stress (HB 2B)

*         SANS (CG 2) 

*         Bio-SANS (CG 3)


SNS instruments [Covering run cycle SNS 2008-1 beginning November 2007] 

****** Backscattering Spectrometer (BL 2)

****** Magnetism Reflectometer (BL 4A)

****** Liquids Reflectometer (BL 4B)


These calls cover the experimental period at HFIR and SNS beginning
November 2007.  Details concerning proposal submission and instrument
capabilities are at http://neutrons.ornl.gov <http://neutrons.ornl.gov/>
.  The link http://www.ornl.gov/sci/iums/ipts/
<http://www.ornl.gov/sci/iums/ipts/>  directs you immediately to the
proposal system.


All proposals will be reviewed for feasibility, safety, and the
potential for high impact science.  Users of approved experiments must
complete certain access and training requirements prior to beginning
their experiments.  Both HFIR and SNS are user facilities funded by the
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science.  


Ken Herwig, Interim Director

ORNL Neutron Scattering Science Division 



Allen E. Ekkebus

Neutron Scattering Science Division User Office

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

1 Bethel Valley Road

P.O. Box 2008, Box 6460

Oak Ridge, TN  37831-6460

Telephone: (865) 241-5644       FAX: (865) 576-0174


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