[Neutron] canSAS-V : Final Call, Deadlines Approaching

Andrew Jackson ajj at nist.gov
Tue Oct 2 14:00:30 CDT 2007

Dear Small Angle Scatterer,

The deadline for the canSAS V workshop is fast approaching.  Hotel  
registration deadline is Oct 15, while the abstract deadline is Oct  
12.  Note that the number of rooms blocked at the very special  
conference rate is quite limited and can only be obtained by phoning  
the hotel (registration desk is open 24h).  Registration and  
conference details can be found at:


The aim of this workshop is to foster discussion about, and develop  
action plans to address, the issues affecting the nomadic small angle  
scatterer.  Issues such as trends, developments, and future  
directions in software, resolution corrections, and file formats are  
all topics on the agenda.  Please go to the workshop website for more  

The schedule and venue have been designed to encourage discussions at  
many levels while providing sufficient structure to also provide  
opportunity for concrete direct outcomes.  If you have an interest in  
helping to advance the ease of use of SAS experimenters check out the  
schedule, program, and other pages and join us in Gaithersburg for a  
roll-up-your sleeves meeting.  Please bring a poster (but submit an  
abstract so we can make sure we have room) as we expect much work to  
be done using posters as the backdrop.

We look forward to seeing you there.

The organizing committee:
Paul Butler
Andrew Jackson
Steve King
Adrian Rennie
Nick Terrill
Satoshi Koizumi
Elliot Gilbert
Peter Jemian

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