[Neutron] Instrument Development Fellowship - ORNL

Martin, Bob martinrg at ornl.gov
Wed Nov 14 12:44:33 CST 2007

Novel Concepts for Neutron Instrumentation
The Neutron Scattering Science Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(ORNL) invites applications for an Instrument Development Fellowship.
This fellowship is for the development of novel neutron instrumentation
and instrument components to be used for neutron science at ORNL or
other U. S. neutron centers. The call is directed to scientists within
10 years of their PhD who are located at academic, industrial, or
government institutions.

Responsibilities & Qualifications:	
ORNL is the site of two major neutron scattering facilities - the High
Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) and the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS),
both funded by the U. S. Department of Energy's Office of Science. SNS
began operations in 2006, and HFIR completed a major upgrade in 2007.
These two facilities will provide a world center for neutron scattering
with opportunities for up to 2000 researchers each year from
universities, national laboratories, and industry for basic and applied
research and technology development in the fields of materials science,
magnetic materials, polymer and complex fluids, chemistry, and biology.

Proposals are requested to develop novel concepts for neutron
instrumentation that will enable hitherto unexplored areas of science to
be addressed or which will significantly improve current methods in the
field. The proposals may describe an entire instrument concept or a
major component of an instrument including, but not be limited to,
detectors, polarization techniques, optical components, analysis
software, or source components.
* Each candidate proposal should include both scientific and personal
sections. The scientific portion should be five to ten pages and
identify the theoretical basis for the proposal, the research needed for
expected advances to occur, and the new science enabled by these
advances. The personal section should be a resume of the candidate
including contact information, education, citations of recent
significant publications, honors and awards and references.
* The candidate proposals will be reviewed by a panel of neutron
scientists, and several of the scientists offering the most interesting
proposals will be invited to attend an instrumentation workshop at Oak
Ridge National Laboratory. During this workshop, the candidates will
further develop their ideas by working with international experts in
neutron scattering, simulation and the relevant instrumentation
techniques. Following the workshop, some of the participants may be
offered a fellowship to work mainly at ORNL for 1-3 years with ORNL
staff and other experts in the field to further develop their ideas
towards funding of a new instrument project at SNS or HFIR. Candidates
who are able to obtain a leave of absence or sabbatical from their home
institution are welcome to apply. Qualified and interested candidates
1- Submit their proposal to Bob Martin at martinrg at ornl.gov and 
2- Submit current resume with a list of three references here.

If you have trouble applying for a position, please email
Helpdesk at icims.com.

Application deadline is November 30, 2007. For more information contact
Bob Martin at martinrg at ornl.gov. 

UT-Battelle is committed to achieving its strategic business objectives
by attracting, retaining and developing a diverse workforce.

Bob Martin
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
PO BOX 2008 MS6478
SNS Human Resources Office
Building 8600, MS 6478, Room C-458
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6478
(865) 241-2950
(865) 241-6660 (fax)
martinrg at sns.gov


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