[Neutron] PNCMI2008/QuBS2008 First Circular

奥隆之 oku.takayuki at jaea.go.jp
Wed Apr 2 19:06:02 CEST 2008

Dear Colleague,

We would like to send you the PNCMI2008/QuBS2008 1st circular listed below.
Detailed information will be available soon on the conference hope 
page http://nsrc.tokai-sc.jaea.go.jp/pncmi2008/.

Best regards,

==============  First Circular  ==============

The 7th International Workshop on Polarized Neutrons
             in Condensed Matter Investigations
                            to be held as
  the 2nd International Symposium of Quantum Beam
       Science Directorate of JAEA (QuBS2008)
                     in Tokai, Ibaraki Japan
                     September 1-5, 2008

The 7th International Workshop on Polarized Neutrons in Condensed 
Matter Investigations,
PNCMI2008, will be held as the 2nd International Symposium of Quantum 
Beam Science
Directorate of JAEA (QuBS2008) in Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan from Sept. 
1(Mon) to 5(Fri) 2008.
The workshop will cover the forefront of condensed matter 
investigations using polarized
neutrons and state-of-the-art methodologies and technologies of 
polarized neutron production
and utilization for novel instrumentations and experiments, thus 
providing opportunities to
discuss prospects for new science and new instrument concepts.
The complementarities of various polarized quantum beams, such as 
synchrotron x-rays and
muons, will be also discussed.

・ Condensed matter research with polarized neutrons
・ Methodology and technology of polarized neutrons
・ Neutron spin echo and Larmor precession
・ Novel instrumentation
・ Complementarities of polarized quantum beams

  Registration and abstract submission will be available via PNCMI 
official website which will
open in May 2008. URL of the official site will be announced at

International Advisory Committee

Honorary Chair : Y. Yamada
Chair : Y. Endoh

  Members :
  J. Akimitsu (Aoyamagakuin Univ.)
  I. Anderson (ORNL)
  P. J. Brown (ILL)
  Th. Brueckel (FZ Juelich)
  Y. Fujii (JAEA)
  R. Gaehler (ILL)
  S. Ikeda (KEK)
  Feng Ji (China Academy of Science)
  Seung-Hun Lee (Univ. Virginia)
  Wen-Hsien Li (Taiwan)
  C. Majkrzak (NIST)
  S. V. Maleyev (PNPI)
  J. Mesot (PSI)
  J.-G. Park (SungKyunKwan Univ.)
  W. Petry (TU Munich)
  R. Pynn (Indiana Univ.)
  L. -P. Regnault (CEA-Grenoble)
  R. Robinson (ANSTO)
  F. Tasset (France)
  A. Tennant (HMI)
  S. G. E. te Velthuis (ANL)

International Program Committee

  Chair : K. Kakurai (JAEA)

  Members :
  K. Andersen (ILL)
  M. Arai (J-PARC)
  P. B嗜i (PSI)
  A. Frank (Frank Lab.)
  W. -T. Hal Lee (ORNL)
  A. Ioffe (JCNS)
  S. Kennedy (ANSTO)
  S. Koizumi (JAEA)
  E. Lelievre-Berna (ILL)
  F. Mezei (BNC)
  C. Pappas (HMI)
  E. Ressouche (CEA-Grenoble)
  S. M. Shapiro (BNL)
  H. M. Shimizu (KEK)
  J. Suzuki (JAEA)
  H. Yoshizawa (ISSP)
  A. Zheludev (ORNL)

Local Organizing Committee

  Chair : K. Kakurai (JAEA)
  Secretary : T. Oku (JAEA), S. Wakimoto (JAEA)

  Members :
  H. Endo (ISSP)
  M. Hino (KUR)
  K. Hirota (Osaka Univ.)
  T. Ino (KEK)
  R. Kajimoto (J-PARC)
  T. Kumada (JAEA)
  M. Matsuda (JAEA)
  M. Nakamura (J-PARC)
  K. Ohoyama (Tohoku Univ.)
  T. J. Sato (ISSP)
  M. Takeda (JAEA)


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