[Neutron] Press release
Javier Campo
jcampo at unizar.es
Tue Sep 2 17:55:18 CEST 2008
>>>On behalf of the Spanish and Hungarian
>>>candidature to ESS, we are pleased to inform
>>>you about the meeting of the International
>>>Advisory Board held at the end of July in Bilbao and Debrecen.
>>>ESS International Advisory Board Meeting in
>>>Bilbao and Debrecen, 21-25 July 2008
>>>Hungary and Spain are two of the competing
>>>three site candidates to host the European
>>>Spallation Source (ESS), one of the largest
>>>and most mature projects on the Roadmap of the
>>>European Strategy Forum on Research
>>>Infrastructures (ESFRI), endorsed by the
>>>Competitiveness Council of the European Union.
>>>These two countries intensively pursue their
>>>preparation to realize this most ambitious,
>>>world leading project in creatively combining
>>>competition with close collaboration. It is
>>>within this framework that the constituting
>>>meeting of the common ESS International
>>>Advisory Board (IAB) took place on July 21-24
>>>in Bilbao (Basque Country) and Debrecen
>>>(Eastern Hungary), in the two cities offering
>>>free of charge most adequate terrains larger
>>>than 1 km2 in outstanding research, academics,
>>>cultural, economic and quality of life environments to build ESS.
>>>The charge of the IAB calls for giving advice
>>>for the preparation and successful completion
>>>of the ESS construction project. In particular
>>>the IAB would provide expertise in the following areas:
>>>· Potential partnerships for
>>>realization of the ESS construction project.
>>>· Relation to other European and international projects.
>>>· Infrastructure requirements and improvements.
>>>· New Science opportunities and related instrumentation priorities.
>>>· Technical developments that would
>>>improve the characteristics of the source and instrumentation.
>>>· Lessons learned from other projects.
>>>The members of IAB belong to the top experts
>>>in the world in neutron science, construction,
>>>operation and management of top of the line
>>>neutron source facilities and similar large
>>>scientific infrastructures. The two
>>>co-chairpersons, who took up they function at
>>>this meeting are Dr. Ian Anderson, Associate
>>>Laboratory Director for Neutron Science of Oak
>>>Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, USA in
>>>charge of amongst others the currently
>>>most powerful spallation neutron source in the
>>>world, SNS; and Prof. József Pálinkás, a
>>>nuclear physicist from Debrecen and former
>>>Minister of Education of the Republic of
>>>Hungary, who was recently elected President of
>>>the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
>>>The program of the first, constituting meeting
>>>of the IAB ( which was attended by 11 of the
>>>14 members, all juggling with a most exacting
>>>work calendar) included a full-day session on
>>>22 July to examine both the site specific and
>>>the collaborative part of the project
>>>preparation work at the two sites. The teams
>>>have just accomplished a major milestone
>>>towards the realization of ESS by submitting
>>>their answers to the detailed questionnaire
>>>from the ESFRI Working Group on ESS, charged
>>>by ESFRI to evaluate the quality and adequacy
>>>of each site candidate to host ESS with full
>>>success. The IAB has appreciated the
>>>outstanding quality of the site proposals both at Bilbao and Debrecen.
>>>Besides the formal meeting of the Board, IAB
>>>members had a chance the inspect the proposed
>>>pieces of land on the outskirts of both cities
>>>to site ESS, in particular also from the
>>>chartered aircraft that took them from Bilbao
>>>directly to Debrecen, offering on the way
>>>birds eye views of the favourable location of
>>>both of these terrains close to the respective
>>>international city airports. The participants
>>>also got familiar with renowned institutions
>>>which can provide excellent science and
>>>technology background for the future ESS, such
>>>as the Bizkaia Technology Park or the Debrecen
>>>Universitycampus, including ATOMKI nuclear
>>>research centre. They also enjoyed the
>>>hospitality of both cities by visiting for
>>>example the world famous Guggenheim Museum in
>>>Bilbao or the five centuries old, prestigious Calvinist College inDebrecen.
>>>When completed and commissioned by 2019 ESS
>>>will become the premier neutron research
>>>centre in the world, offering up to an order
>>>of magnitude higher performance for the study
>>>of all kinds of materials in many scientific
>>>disciplines than its most powerful and modern
>>>rivals at that time, the SNS facility in the
>>>USA and J-PARC in Japan. Both of these
>>>facilities started operation quite recently,
>>>and are on track to take over world leadership
>>>in this crucial field of research from the
>>>world leaders of the past decades, the ILL in
>>>Grenoble, France and ISIS near Oxford in the
>>>UK both situated in Europe. ESS will achieve
>>>its superior performance in a very cost
>>>effective fashion by the use of a new
>>>technical concept called Long Pulses,
>>>originally introduced by F. Mezei, the common
>>>scientific director of the ESS-Bilbao and
>>>ESS-Hungary projects. Europe boost the world
>>>premier neutron research community with 4500
>>>scientist using neutrons for the exploration
>>>and understanding of microscopic and nanoscale
>>>structures and processes in a huge variety of
>>>branches of science, including engineering,
>>>physics, chemistry, archaeology, geology,
>>>cultural heritage, life sciences, molecular biology, etc.
>>>The members of the IAB are:
>>>Carlos Alejandre (Spain, Deputy director of ITER)
>>>Viktor Aksenov (Russia, Vice-director of
>>>Russian Research Center, Kurchatov Institute)
>>>Ian Anderson (UK, director of SNS)
>>>Carla Andreani (Italy, professor, Phisycs Department, University Rome)
>>>Masatoshi Arai (Japan, director of J-SNS )
>>>Kurt Clausen (Danemark, Head of Department, Condensed Matter Science, PSI)
>>>Gabriele Fioni (France, Member of CEA, deputy
>>>director of Material Science Institute )
>>>John D. Galambos (USA, Application Programming team leader for the SNS)
>>>José Luis Martínez (Spain, Deputy director and
>>>Head of Project and Techniques Division, ILL)
>>>József Pálinkás (Hungary, President ofHungarian Academy of Sciences)
>>>Mike J. Rowe (USA, former director of NIST Centre for Neutron Research)
>>>Helmut Rauch (Austria, Professor Emeritius,
>>>Atominstitute of the Austrian Universities, Wien)
>>>Helmut Schober (Germany, President of the
>>>German Comittee for Neutron Research, group leader at ILL)
>>>Andrew Taylor (UK, STCF, Director ofISIS)
>>>Ministry for National Development and Economy
>>>ESS Coordination Center
>>>H-1055 Budapest, Honvéd u. 13-15.
>>>Tel: +36 1 374 2860
>>>E-mail: <mailto:hungaryforess at nfgm.gov.hu>hungaryforess at nfgm.gov.hu
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