[Neutron] USPAS courses

USPAS uspas at fnal.gov
Thu Oct 16 18:46:26 CEST 2008

The U.S. Particle Accelerator School is offering a program of 
graduate-level courses sponsored by Vanderbilt University and held in 
Nashville, Tennessee from January 12-23, 2009.   Of special interest are 
one-week courses by R. Kent Crawford entitled "Design and Engineering of 
Neutron and X-Ray Beamlines for Accelerator-Driven Sources" and "High 
Power Beam Targets (and Collimation)" by John Haines and Phil Ferguson.

Please visit http://uspas.fnal.gov <http://uspas.fnal.gov/> for full 
course descriptions and an electronic application form.  For further 
information please contact the USPAS Office at 630-840-3896 or 
uspas at fnal.gov

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