[Neutron] Call for proposals: neutron instruments and bio-deuteration; deadline 8 May 2009 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

BUTTNER, Herma hbu at ansto.gov.au
Thu Mar 19 05:37:48 CET 2009


Call for Proposals on OPAL Neutron-Beam Facility and National
Deuteration Facility 


Deadline 8 May 2009


Dear Colleague,                  


ANSTO is now calling for proposals
s_March09.pdf>  for the following neutron-beam instruments and


ECHIDNA (high-resolution powder diffractometer)           

WOMBAT (high-intensity powder diffractometer)            

KOALA (Laue diffractometer)

KOWARI  (strain scanner)       

PLATYPUS (neutron reflectometer)

QUOKKA (small-angle neutron scattering instrument)

TAIPAN (thermal 3-axis spectrometer)

Bio-Deuteration (at the National Deuteration Facility - NDF)


Proposals should be submitted using our on-line system,
http://neutron.ansto.gov.au <http://neutron.ansto.gov.au/> . Deadline: 8
May 2009. For all neutron instruments, select round "May 2009 - neutron"


For National Deuteration Facility proposals please use the same portal
http://neutron.ansto.gov.au <http://neutron.ansto.gov.au/>  selecting
round "May 2009 - deuteration"; download guide
posals.pdf> . 


Experimental reports

Users who have carried out experiments on one of the neutron-beam
instruments are requested to fill in an experimental report. Note that
the Program Advisory Committee has been asked to take account of the
track records of our users.


The application is for beam-time requests and does not include travel or
accommodation support. However, successful applications from researchers
from AINSE member institutions
(http://www.ansto.gov.au/ainse/about_ainse/member_universities) will
automatically be forwarded to AINSE for consideration of
travel/accommodation support. 


8 May 2009                    Deadline for proposals.

May/June 2009              On-line review of proposals by up to 5 expert

July 2008                      Programme Advisory Committee assesses

Sept. 2009                    Scheduling of first beam-time allocations
- subject to reactor operation schedule. 



You can find information on the instruments and Deuteration facilities
as follows:


QUOKKA  - small-angle neutron scattering instrument

If your neutron experiment needs complementing with X-rays please
request one of the SAXS instrument as part of your neutron proposal.


TAIPAN  -  thermal three-axis spectrometer



PLATYPUS  - reflectometer


If your neutron experiment needs complementing with X-rays please
request the X-ray reflectometer as part of your neutron proposal.


National Deuteration Facility



ECHIDNA  - high-resolution powder diffractometer


WOMBAT  - high-intensity powder diffractometer



KOALA  -  Laue diffractometer



KOWARI  - strain scanner



An overview of our sample-environment equipment is available on the web


All of our instruments now have operating licences, with the exception
of TAIPAN, and we expect to obtain Taipan's licence in April 2009. 


We will provide a more detailed status update on the OPAL reactor and
its instruments in our next newsletter Bragg Peaks 10 (in April 2009).
Previous newsletters can be found on


Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.


Yours sincerely,


Herma Buttner



Dr Herma Buttner

Scientific Coordinator Bragg Institute

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

New Illawarra Road, Lucas Heights, NSW 2234, Australia

T  +61 (0)2 9717 7232

F +61  (0)2 9717 3606

M +61 (0)448 445 606

E  herma.buttner at ansto.gov.au 

www.ansto.gov.au <http://www.ansto.gov.au/>  

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