[Neutron] Travel support for MECASENS V conference

Hahn Choo (ORNL) chooh at ornl.gov
Wed May 27 17:59:36 CEST 2009

Dear participants to MECASENS V in Mito, Japan:


If you have a student who wants to participate (present a talk or poster of
his/her own work) in MECASENS V <http://nsrc.jaea.go.jp/mecasens-5/>  in
Mito, Japan this November, there is an opportunity for travel support.  The
ANSWER (Advanced Neutron Scattering netWork for Education and Research)
program at UT-ORNL, to promote student's participation in international
neutron scattering conferences, will support $1,000 USD for student's travel
to Japan.  The rest of the travel cost should be sponsored by the student's


This travel support (reimbursement) is for students attending US
universities only.  Please e-mail 1-page resume of the student and the
abstract to hchoo at utk.edu at your earliest convenience but before June 5th
for consideration.  We anticipate supporting up to five students. 


With best regards,


Hahn Choo w/ Peter Liaw, Xun-Li Wang, Cam Hubbard, and Takeshi Egami



Hahn Choo, Ph.D.

Joint Faculty

Powder Diffraction Group

MS 6475, Bldg 8600, Rm C-484

Neutron Scattering Science Division

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6475, USA

Phone: 865-241-1748; Fax: 865-574-6080




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