[Neutron] URGENT: re-registration required for Oxford Neutron School 31 August - 12 September 2009

Bull, MJ (Martyn) martyn.bull at stfc.ac.uk
Thu May 28 19:41:06 CEST 2009

11th Oxford School on Neutron Scattering

31 August - 12 September 2009

University of Oxford


An IT failure has resulted in the destruction of all the registration
records for the Oxford Neutron School before the selection procedure
could take place. 

As a result, we have had to re-open registration, and we require all
students to re-register at 


The new deadlines are as follows:

*	Registration deadline: 17 May 2009
*	Selection results issued by: 26 June 2009

We would like to apologise to all students who have already registered
for this very regrettable inconvenience. 

Please can you circulate this message to ensure that as many as possible
have the chance to resubmit their applications.

Martyn Bull
On behalf of the Oxford School on Neutron Scattering




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